Prayers to quit smoking. The effectiveness of reading prayers against smoking Prayers against tobacco addiction

Smoking is one of the bad habits that destroys health and significantly reduces life expectancy. And quite a lot of people are already thinking that it’s time to quit smoking. In the fight for health, all means are good. But sometimes the use of even the most advanced developments aimed at combating tobacco addiction is not enough.

The main thing that is needed in such a battle is the presence of a strong will and the desire to give up nicotine addiction. But not all people are famous for their confidence and boundless faith in own strength. What to do in this case? Prayer helps Christian believers to quit smoking cigarettes. Holy words bring a person the necessary strength and confidence to overcome addiction.

Many prayers help in the fight against smoking

Church principles classify nicotine addiction as sinful. And the clergy are convinced that only sincere prayer can cope with sin. The result will definitely be achieved, especially if a person calls on the Saints with an open heart.

All prayer words must be spoken with sincere faith in their miraculous words and the power of inner conviction.

You can read prayers and cry out for the grace of the Saints both within the walls of the Temple and in your usual home environment. A strong prayer against smoking helps strengthen faith in one’s own strength, awaken willpower and overcome a deadly addiction. Some believe that there are no special prayers against tobacco addiction.

Before you start fighting tobacco addiction, you should set clear goals for yourself

Who then can you call for help? Church ministers advise praying to certain specific Saints who can help with this problem. A prayer against smoking will be successful if you address it to such Saints as:

  • Guardian Angel;
  • Tikhon Zadonsky;
  • Job the Long-Suffering;
  • Saint John Chrysostom;
  • Venerable Ambrose of Optina.

Help from the Guardian Angel

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Everyone has their own personal Guardian Angel, a protector who will always come to the rescue in any trouble. It is better to read prayer appeals addressed to him daily, especially if the desire to get rid of tobacco addiction is great. The words of the prayer are as follows:

“My Angel of God, Holy Guardian, given to me from heaven by God! I earnestly pray to you - enlighten my sinful son and bring light into my soul. Save me, Angel of God, from all evil, and guide me to decent deeds that lead to the light. Guide me, a sinner, on the bright and righteous path. Amen".

Petition to Tikhon Zadonsky

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

During his lifetime, the saint was already an idolized and deeply respected teacher of Christianity; he was engaged in active Orthodox propaganda and devoted himself to teaching and preaching. Reverend Tikhon became a real example of respect and adoration for the word of God, amazing everyone with his extraordinary insight.

Even after the end of his earthly years, the preacher Saint Tikhon did not stop being revered and praised. This Saint helped many people get rid of addictions and illnesses. To call upon him for support and help, you must read the following prayer:

“Tikhon, our Rev. Father, we praise and honor you! Saint and saint of God, like a heavenly angel, you appeared on our land. I send you, Holy Hierarch, all my good thoughts. Intercede for me (name) before the face of God, and ask him for salvation and intercession.

Give me your wisdom and protect me from sinful cravings and unhealthy addiction. Pray for me before the Face of God. Protect from daily evil, devilish harm. We ask you for my recovery physically and mentally. Grant me strength to cope with the misfortune and forget about smoking the damned. Amen".

Appeal to Job the Long-Suffering

Holy Righteous Job the Long-Suffering

Job the Long-Suffering (also called “poor”) is a godly righteous man respected by Christians who lived on earth 2,000 BC. e. In his life, this Saint had to endure many troubles and hardships, but he worthily endured all the difficult trials given to him by God.

His earthly history teaches us to be compassionate towards disadvantaged, sick and dependent people. To turn to the Martyr for help in the fight against tobacco addiction, you should read the following prayer book:

“Our holy saint of God, more righteous than Job! He fought a glorious feat on the sinful earth, and in Heaven he received the crown of righteousness. Looking at your glorious Face, your Holy Image, I honor your memory day and night. Accept my prayers, kneeling, and convey to the All-Merciful my petition, spoken with hope.

Help me, Holy Job, to overcome a heavy addiction, covered in evil smoke, and grant me the strength to resist the machinations of the devil and the evil unclean. Deliver me from troubles and illnesses, guide me on a healthy and bright path. I praise you Job, and I hope for help. Amen".

Petition to Saint John Chrysostom

Saint John Chrysostom

John Chrysostom became famous for his many years of successful theological activity. After long and diligent years of serving God, the theologian was elevated to the rank of archbishop. During his lifetime he created a huge number of valuable works on Christian worship..

Prayer-petitions addressed to the Saint are considered one of the most effective and successful. Most often, Orthodox Christians turn to this Saint for help in the following matters:

  1. About the health of loved ones.
  2. About help in various endeavors.
  3. About calmness and peace of mind.
  4. About guiding children and relatives on the true path.

This prayer against smoking, which, by the way, is not necessary for the smoker to read, is considered one of the most effective. The greatest result will be obtained if one of the close relatives prays for the smoker in front of the Saint and asks John Chrysostom to guide the addict on the true path. The following prayer speeches will help in the fight against tobacco addiction:

“I appeal to Saint John Chrysostom! Do not deprive your servant of heavenly help, but help him get rid of cowardice and his own torment. Direct your mind on the glorious and pure path. Remove the petrified insensibility. I am sinful in my flesh, sinful with the burden and addiction of sin.

I ask you for help, our Saint and Intercessor. Bestow your grace upon me, and come to my aid in the fight against the contagious disease. Show me the righteous path, and help free me from the dependence of the devil. I beseech you in your kingdom. Amen".

Requests to the Venerable Ambrose of Optina

Venerable Ambrose of Optina

It is smokers who most often turn to this Saint for help who want to give up their deadly addiction. Ambrose of Optina became famous for his strength during his life on earth. He preached the dangers of smoking and drinking, and urged people to direct all their efforts to overcome the irritability that engulfs a person when fighting tobacco addiction.

There is a known case when an ordinary man named Alexy Moskovsky, an avid and long-term smoker, came to the Saint for help. He could not part with cigarettes due to the weakness of his own character. Ambrose Optinsky advised the smoker to do the following:

  • go to confession and repent of absolutely all the sins that the layman has committed throughout his life;
  • take communion;
  • read the Gospel every day, or every time there is a desire to smoke, make 33 big bows.

As the legend says, having received such an answer from the Saint, Alexy of Moscow fulfilled all the conditions. When the smoker tried to light up again, he fell backward, struck by a terrible headache. Since then, Alexy gave up smoking, since even the mere mention of tobacco caused the layman to feel nauseous. Ambrose of Optina’s prayer against smoking is as follows:

“Reverend Father, our intercessor Ambrose, you are bold before our Almighty. Yes, pray to the Lord God, let him give me a sign, give me his mighty help to fight against unclean passion and destructive desire.

God! With a petition to your holy saint, Ambrose the Venerable, I pray for the protection of the Almighty. Grant me strength in the struggle for health and pure thoughts. May the evil passion of tobacco run away from me, your servant, into distant distances, to where it came from, from the belly of hell and the receptacle of the damned. Let it be so! Amen".

Before reading the words of the prayer, you need to provide yourself with a quiet and secluded place. Remember that when communicating with the Saints, no one should interfere. Prayers should be read with absolute faith in their power and sincere conviction of their effectiveness. Also, for greatest effectiveness, arm yourself with the following rules that should be followed each time you read a prayer appeal:

  • read the prayer slowly and without haste, carefully pronouncing the words and delving into their essence;
  • do not be distracted by anything while reciting sacred words;
  • It is better to read all prayers on your knees;
  • During prayer, focus completely on the goal you have set for yourself;
  • It is better to hold the prayer book in your left palm, and sign yourself with the sign of the cross with your right;
  • At the end of the prayer, you should cross yourself three times and cry out to the Lord asking for help in the fight against smoking.

Know that reading prayers should not be a one-time event. You should turn to the Saints for help every day, 3-4 times a day, and also every time you feel the urge to smoke. It is best to memorize prayer words and start with this prayer every day.

If, in the process of parting with cigarettes, a former smoker feels unwell and withdrawal symptoms, the prayer should be read even more diligently and more often. Remember, the more sincere your own belief in yourself and the help of the Great Pleasers is, the sooner the long-awaited freedom from tobacco addiction will come.

In contact with

Strong prayer against smoking can overcome nicotine addiction, which is dangerous to health.
Many smokers are looking for effective ways fight it, but the main thing is to have the will to fight.
To do this, you can use such a miraculous method as prayer against the passion for smoking.

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Effect of prayer against smoking

A prayer against smoking cannot be considered a panacea for nicotine addiction, much less think that re-reading a few lines at once and forever will help you quit smoking. If they tell you that prayer can help you immediately and irrevocably, do not listen to these people and do not believe them. You can't just pray and be disgusted by tobacco.

Many who have tried at least once in their lives know that it is impossible to do this in one day, even with incredible willpower and the most expensive medical supplies. Most smokers return to this bad habit, whether one day after quitting cigarettes or several years.

The main problem of the impossibility of quitting tobacco is insufficient. Against the backdrop of life's problems and troubles, a cigarette becomes an outlet for a person, a temptation that cannot be overcome.

As Saint Ambrose said, tobacco smoke clouds the mind and relaxes the soul. Smoking should be considered a devilish creation, which is aimed at imitation of church custom.

In temples you can smoke incense, which is a pure substance, in contrast to the dirty, stinking clouds of tobacco smoke. The Lord God, when creating man, did not endow him with the ability to smoke; he did not want him to have such a dirty habit.

Ambrose believed that addiction to smoking is in no way compatible with true faith. A person who inhales tobacco smoke does not have God in his heart, he said. And only true faith in the power of the Lord will help a person overcome addiction.

The main thing, when reading a prayer against smoking, is to have faith within yourself that the Lord is against tobacco. Smoking is considered the work of the devil.

A text that is read meaninglessly and has no power will not help in the fight against the evil one. You need to start praying after a person realizes the sinfulness of the smoking process.

And it will be able to overcome public opinion, which, under the influence of many years of propaganda, has formed a positive attitude towards tobacco. There are different prayers for smoking, which we will consider further; which one is better is up to you to choose.

Test for smokers

How to read any prayer to a smoker himself

Which prayer against smoking should be read by the smoker himself should be chosen only by him. Among the existing options, the most famous are the prayer to Saint Ambrose, the prayer against smoking on Forgiveness Sunday, the prayer against tobacco addiction to Nicholas the Wonderworker, the prayer to Matrona and the prayer against smoking to the Holy Trinity. The choice of prayer depends on the person, so it is worth highlighting the basic rules that must be followed when reading the prayer.

Let's look at the basic rules:

  1. Reading a prayer should come from a pure heart, with an understanding of the truth of its action; if there is no such feeling in the soul, you need to start reading the prayer at another time.
  2. Before reading the prayer, you need to clear your mind of problems and extraneous thoughts, that is, you don’t need to think about your work or everyday worries, all thoughts should be aimed at turning to God.
  3. Reading the chosen prayer should occur with awareness of each word that is indicated in the text; if you do not succeed in this during the prayer, you must carefully re-read each word before it.
  4. Note that before reading the prayer against smoking, you need to read one or more preliminary prayers, such as “Our Father” or “Trisagion”. The text of these prayers can be found on the Internet or any prayer book.
  5. If the passion for smoking begins to return, there is no need to repeat the text of a certain prayer verbatim, you can simply ask the Lord for help and additional strength from the bottom of your heart, in your own words.

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, it is worth visiting a priest to confess and ask for blessings for this difficult task.

Take the smoking test

The effectiveness of Ambrose's prayer against cigarettes

One of the most famous effective prayers against smoking is considered to be the prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina. The wise elder Ambrose was an ardent opponent of smoking, constantly noting that it was a great sin that must be abandoned.

Smoking has a bad effect on the soul, and only God can help you get rid of such addiction. During the time of Ambrose, many believing smokers turned to him for help in taking the path of correction; he never refused this request to anyone.

Reading a prayer and turning to St. Ambrose, a person asks him for help in the fight against sinful addiction, through his direct connection with the Lord. At the same time, the text of the prayer contains the words of sending tobacco addiction from the body of God’s servant back to the den of hell.

The effectiveness of this prayer depends on the person's faith in its effectiveness and the strength of his spirit. It will only help a person who is open to God's help.

Many who were able to open their souls note that this prayer really helped them get rid of addiction. Its periodic repetition allows you to overcome the desire to return to smoking.

Reading to break the habit on Forgiveness Sunday

Many note that the optimal time to read a prayer against smoking is Forgiveness Sunday. In all churches and temples, the action of forgiveness takes place, so it is worth repenting of your sin, passion for smoking.

On this day you need to ask the Lord for forgiveness for the sinfulness of your soul, for help in getting rid of devilish dependence. The day should be the beginning of a new stage life cycle, clean from sins and addiction to bad habits.

Forgiveness Day is notable for the fact that you can ask for forgiveness for the sin of smoking and other misdeeds. This will allow you to cleanse your soul and heart before the difficult struggle with addiction.

The text of the prayer includes appeals to Jesus Christ. The prayer does not involve a request for strength and assistance in life, but a request to protect and protect from the passion for smoking.

It is better to read this prayer in a church or temple; this will allow you to get as close to God as possible, discard unnecessary thoughts, leaving them outside the walls of the temple. If this is not possible, you can pray at home.

It's better to do this in private. It is better to read it in the morning, after sleep, so that your thoughts and soul do not have time to fill with worries and bad thoughts. Before reading a prayer against smoking, it is advisable to ask the Lord for forgiveness for your sins and actions, this will help you focus on this spiritual connection.

The reading of the prayer can be accompanied by lighting a candle in front of the icon of Christ. There are no rules for reading a prayer, everyone can choose the appropriate place and time of day, the main thing is to have in your soul a true desire to quit smoking and faith in the powers of God.

Useful video on the topic

We turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the passion of smoking

It was previously noted that there are different prayers for smoking, to different saints or to God. At the same time, the smoker does not read the prayer.

Many do not believe at all in the existence of a higher power and might of the Almighty. Therefore, a prayer against smoking can be read by a loved one who has enough strength and faith to do this instead of an addicted relative.

These types of prayers include the prayer against smoking to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. You need to read this prayer in church; to do this, you need to place 3 burning candles in front of the icons. The text of the prayer must contain the name of the person for whom the prayer is asking.

The reading of the prayer should take place in an empty house; it is necessary to choose a moment when all family members are absent. At the appropriate time, the candles must be lit and placed in front of the icon, and a vessel filled with holy water should be placed next to the candles. The prayer should be read in a whisper.

After the end of the action, the remaining candles must be thrown away. Holy water must be added in parts to the food of a smoker who wants to quit smoking.

It is necessary to pray for such a person regardless of whether he is undergoing any drug treatment for nicotine addiction. The prayer should be repeated during treatment until the person completely gets rid of the craving for nicotine.

The effect of the prayer to Matrona for getting rid of the smoking habit

Matrona of Moscow is a saint, known since the times of Rus' for a large number of miracles that occurred both during her life and after her death. People who are addicted to nicotine, alcohol or other drugs turn to her.

There is a classic prayer to Matrona against smoking, the content of which asks her to convey to God a request to forgive a person and receive protection from him against insidious addiction. But you can read the prayer in your own words, the main thing is that the spoken text is presented from the heart and with understanding of each spoken word.

Prayer to Matrona should be performed every day during the period of treatment for nicotine addiction. It must be repeated more than 3 times; the sign of the cross must be present on the body of the person reading the prayer.

Many years of smoking, health, and bestow upon a person for long years life.

The most powerful prayer against addiction

It is difficult to single out the most powerful and effective prayers from the existing ones; each has its own characteristics, a unique text and the name of the saint to whom the prayer is addressed. But many consider the most effective prayer to be the one addressed to Ambrose of Optina.

Saint Ambrose was the patron saint of people who wanted to quit smoking, and he helped them with all his efforts. The main condition for the effectiveness of prayer lies not in the text, but in the desire and faith of the person himself.

In general, people have different opinions; some claim the effectiveness of prayers, others claim their uselessness. This is due to the fact that if a person does not believe in possible help, then he will not be able to receive it. As noted earlier, prayer is not a panacea for getting rid of nicotine addiction, it only helps strengthen the will to fight.

As some who quit smoking through prayer note, there is no need to attend church, light candles and observe all the rituals. For some, it is enough to say or read a prayer to themselves at the moment when their hand reaches for a pack of cigarettes.

This is enough to overcome cravings. Let us note that regardless of the prayer or the person who reads it, you need to have a desire to fight addiction. Believe in yourself and you will succeed!

Of course, anyone can give up smoking very easily if they have the willpower and desire to get rid of the addiction. But, unfortunately, this very willpower is not enough for many. Special prayers help believers cope with the craving for smoking. But at the same time, you should not be mistaken that it is enough to read the prayer once and the desire to smoke will disappear. Prayer tunes a person and gradually changes his inner attitude. In other words, the person praying experiences a change in his worldview, and he begins to realize all the harm of smoking. Prayer against smoking is especially important when the decision to quit smoking is made by an experienced smoker.

A powerful prayer against smoking, read to the smoker himself

Strong prayers against smoking make a person understand that God did not give tobacco to the person. Consequently, the habit of smoking was planted by the devil, like many other destructive passions that are considered sinful. It is very important to fully understand the meaning of the spoken prayer words. An understanding of the sinfulness of smoking must appear in the soul, only in this case the fight against it will be successful.

For independent reading, the most suitable prayer is one directed to your Guardian Angel. It should be remembered that prayer will be effective only when it comes from a pure heart, and there is a sincere desire in your soul to get rid of the addiction.

Every day you can turn to your own Guardian Angel, who will provide support and strengthen your willpower.

The prayer text may sound like this:

“Angel of God, my heavenly guardian, hear my prayer and support me in my desire to quit smoking. I diligently pray to you and trust in you. Enlighten my mind, grant me the understanding that God’s punishment will follow for sins. Save me from all evil and fill my soul with joy and peace. Guide me to righteous deeds and do not let me deviate from the true path. Amen".

Also suitable for independent reading is a prayer against smoking, which contains an appeal to the Holy Trinity.

Its text reads as follows:

“Oh, Most Merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Indivisible Trinity, I worship you and pray for help. Pay attention to my bold request and do not refuse your support. Help me, Lord, to get rid of harmful habits that are sinful and will not allow me to keep a sincere answer at the Hour of the Last Judgment. Teach me to live according to the commandments of God. Grant me a prosperous and long life on earth, filled with joy and tranquility. Grant me your blessings, for which I will thank You and glorify Your name until the end of my days. Amen".

Prayer to Ambrose of Optina against smoking

The godly mentor Ambrose of Optina was a true comforter of those suffering and begging for help. During his lifetime, the Elder was truly a real adornment of the Optina eldership. The Monk Ambrose became famous for his foresight; he was given by God the ability to heal bodily ailments and heal people’s spiritual wounds.

They pray to Ambrose Optinsky for help in various issues, and he always hears a sincere plea and never refuses support. During his lifetime, Rev. Ambrose of Optina explained to many people about the dangers of smoking. He focused their attention on how an addiction affects a person’s soul. The elder argued that smoking multiplies and intensifies sinful passions, darkens the mind and destroys health through a slow death. People who smoke are easily susceptible to irritation and melancholy, which indicates a painful soul.

It is believed that the prayer to St. Ambrose of Optina is very effective if read in combination with medicinal methods.

The prayer text reads:

"I, servant of God ( given name) I have the boldness to turn to you, Reverend Elder, for help. I ask you, Saint Ambrose of Optina, to beg the Almighty Lord to provide me with quick and effective help in the fight against a harmful habit that is harmful to health - smoking. I ask you, Lord, through the prayers of your faithful Saint Ambrose, to cleanse my lips, fill my heart with joy and fill my soul with love. So that I no longer have the desire to reach for a cigarette, so that the tobacco passion leaves me forever. I thank you in my prayer, Holy Elder, and I worship your image. Amen".

Prayer from smoking to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker also helps to cope with the craving for smoking. A person who has realized the harm of nicotine and has set a goal to quit smoking, or another person who wants to help a loved one get rid of a bad habit, can ask for help.

It is better to pray to the Pleasant of God, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, for deliverance from smoking in church.

To do this, you should place three candles in front of his icon and say the following words:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Great Pleasant of God, hear the prayer of the servant of God (proper name) and help me cope with my addiction. Help me give up smoking. Beg the Almighty Lord to accept my sincere repentance for my sins and forgive all my voluntary and involuntary sins. Help me, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, resist sinful temptations and reduce my desire to smoke. I thank you, Saint Nicholas, I trust in your support and glorify all your deeds. Amen".

How to heal from a passion for smoking with the help of prayer

Prayer against smoking will be an effective remedy only if a person has a strong desire in his soul to quit smoking. For a faster effect, prayer must be combined with traditional treatment methods.

In Christianity, smoking is equated with fornication, which is a sin. Therefore, prayer helps to realize this. That is why every word and phrase of the prayer text should be pronounced consciously. Only patience and sincere faith in the soul will help you cope with destructive passion with the help of prayer.

In order to get rid of smoking, you need to be patient, because you will have to pray for this for a long time. You need to pronounce prayer words slowly and with deep understanding. It is important at the time of prayer to discard all extraneous thoughts and focus only on the desire to quit smoking. It is important to force yourself to imagine that life after quitting nicotine will become brighter and more joyful. During prayer, you should completely focus on your goal.

Also, to strengthen the reading of prayers against smoking at home, you can additionally order a prayer service in the temple. It is advisable to attend Sunday services and actively participate in them. Prayer for smoking cessation is, of course, a very effective remedy, but you should not rely on it alone. It is important to show willpower and control the number of cigarettes you smoke. If withdrawal periodically occurs, then you should make an effort and overcome yourself, and you need to start praying more often and more diligently. You definitely need to believe in the strength of your own natural character and that with the help of higher powers, you will definitely be able to get rid of your destructive passion.

Everyone talks about the dangers of smoking: medicine - from its point of view, the church - from its own. However, according to church concepts, smoking is not only harmful, but also sinful. Last but not least, the church condemns smoking because of the colossal harm it causes to oneself and those around them. This devilish habit is equated with idolatry, fornication, pride, vanity, and self-love. Smoking is interpreted by the church as a physical and spiritual illness, which certainly accompanies other sinful diseases. But the worst thing about smoking is that it is a pure parody of burning incense. Only in this case, this incense is not carried out in the name of the Lord. Therefore, every believer is absolutely obliged to renounce this shameful sin.

Quitting smoking is incredibly difficult. Perhaps every smoker knows about this. The church understands this too. But if you trust God, pray, ask for strength and perseverance, you will overcome the tobacco demon.

It is best to quit smoking at the moment when you feel the greatest closeness to the church and the Lord, when you feel his endless grace and love. However, without a strong decision to break this habit forever, you will not succeed. Only understanding how destructive and murderous smoking is by nature, and that it is a service to the devil, will help you overcome this passion and take the right path.

Don't try to deceive yourself by reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke or resorting to other stupid tricks. Just pull this weed out with its roots and throw it away forever. And sincere prayer will help you with this.

Prayers against smoking

Many believers resort to the power of prayer when quitting smoking. And their faith is rewarded. There are canonical prayers for the passion for tobacco and for bad habits. However, ordinary daily prayers can also help, the main thing is that you pray sincerely with all your heart, wanting to eradicate this sin from your life.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my holy Guardian,

for observance given to me from God from heaven!

I diligently pray to You:

Enlighten me today and save me from all evil,

Instruct me in good deeds and guide me on the path of salvation.

Then, in your own words, contact your Guardian Angel with a request to get rid of this evil habit.

Prayer for the passion of smoking to St. Ambrose of Optina

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, beg the Greatly Gifted Master to give me ambulance in the fight against impure passion. God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Venerable Ambrose, cleanse my lips, purify my heart and fill it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will run far away from me, back to where it came from, into the belly of hell.


The Monk Ambrose of Optina also advised bowing to the ground. 33 bows - according to the number of years of the Savior’s earthly life - and the prayer “Our Father”. And so on continuously until you quit smoking. Many testify that this method helped them.

Ambrose also urged people to confess all their sins, in particular the sin of smoking, and then put an end to it forever. Proceed to Holy Communion, reading the Gospel daily while standing.

Prayer of someone suffering from smoking addiction

Most merciful Lord! Hear my request, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servant, do not abhor my wounds, do not turn away from me. Just as you sometimes healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, heal my soul, which was sick with many passions and troubles. Lord, listen to the voice of my prayer, hear my groaning and pitiful cry. Oh, woe is me, woe is me a sinner, since I become like idolaters, I am not ashamed to burn demonic incense, I am not ashamed to offend You, Lord, with the wickedness of my heart. I tempt You with excessive reliance on Your long-suffering. Standing in Your Holy Temple, I enjoy the fragrance of incense, and every hour I again enjoy the stench of smoke. I defile my lips and with these same lips I speak words of praise to You. Like a dog returns to his vomit, I also serve sin. For everyone, this is a sin, but the Imam does not have the boldness to renounce the bribes of mercenaries. Most merciful Lord! Condescend with my weakness, forgive my indecency, strengthen me, give me patience and spiritual courage, do not leave me, do not let me perish in the mire of sin, Save, Lord! I'm dying! Just as you, O Lord, sometimes healed, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, a certain husband Sergius—heal also someone unworthy of me. Just as you, Lord, sometimes delivered, through the prayers of St. Ambrose of Optina, from the bad habit of a certain Alexei of Moscow, deliver also the less accursed one. As sometimes, Lord, through the prayers of the saints, the father of the Kiev-Pechersk freed from the oppressive passion of a certain Maxim and appointed him to serve You in Your Holy Temple - also free me, the foul and unclean one, and grant me to serve Your righteousness, and work tirelessly without laziness To you, my Lord Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

How to pray to quit smoking

You can use any of the proposed prayers, you can choose some other one, or pray in your own words - it doesn’t matter special significance. The main thing is that the prayer is sincere and comes from the heart, so that you completely trust the Lord and believe with all your soul in what you are asking for.

Do you want to become free from nicotine addiction? But can't decide where to start? Then try the power of prayer. Perhaps, if you are a believer, prayers will help you quit smoking.

Here are the most strong prayers quit smoking

Prayer for the passion of smoking to St. Ambrose of Optina

Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, beg the Greatly Gifted Master to give me quick help in the fight against unclean passion.

God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Reverend Ambrose, cleanse my lips, purify my heart and fill it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will run far away from me, back to where it came from, into the belly of hell.

Prayer of someone suffering from smoking addiction

Most merciful Lord! Hear my request, accept the prayer of Your unworthy servant, do not abhor my wounds, do not turn away from me. Just as you sometimes healed the money-loving soul of Zacchaeus the tax collector, heal my soul, which was sick with many passions and troubles. Lord, listen to the voice of my prayer, hear my groaning and pitiful cry. Oh, woe is me, woe is me a sinner, since I become like idolaters, I am not ashamed to burn demonic incense, I am not ashamed to offend You, Lord, with the wickedness of my heart. I tempt You with excessive reliance on Your long-suffering. Standing in Your Holy Temple, I enjoy the fragrance of incense, and every hour I again enjoy the stench of smoke. I defile my lips and with these same lips I speak words of praise to You. Like a dog returns to his vomit, I also serve sin. For everyone, this is a sin, but the Imam does not have the boldness to renounce the bribes of mercenaries. Most merciful Lord! Condescend with my weakness, forgive my indecency, strengthen me, give me patience and spiritual courage, do not leave me, do not let me perish in the mire of sin, Save, Lord! I'm dying! Because sometimes, Lord, you healed, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, a certain husband Sergius - heal also someone unworthy of me. Just as you, Lord, sometimes delivered, through the prayers of St. Ambrose of Optina, from the bad habit of a certain Alexei of Moscow, deliver also the less accursed one. As if sometimes, Lord, through the prayers of the saints, the father of the Kiev-Pechersk people freed from the oppressive passion of a certain Maxim and appointed him to serve You in Your Holy Temple - also free the foul and unclean me, and grant me to serve Your righteousness, and work tirelessly without laziness To you, my Lord Jesus Christ, all the days of my life, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

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