Is it allowed to transport children in the front seat? Is it possible to transport a child in the front seat: traffic rules, transporting children in a car. What types of child seats are allowed in the front seat?

It is often difficult for drivers to answer the question whether it is allowed by the rules to transport a child in front, at what age this is permitted and what devices are needed for this. However, there are clear regulations governing the issue of transporting children in the seat next to the driver. Active Mom will tell you about them in today’s material.

The content of the article:

Is it possible to transport a child in the front seat?

The traffic rules indicate that it is permissible to seat a child in the car both in the back and in front, and the minimum permitted age for traveling next to the driver is not specified.
If the child’s age is less than twelve years, then transportation in front will be required.

On July 12, 2017, new conditions were introduced. If a child is under 7 years old, a car seat is required to transport him in a car, and it does not matter which seat he is on. From 7 to 12 years of age, he can be seated in the back using a car seat or seat belts.

To confirm the child's age, parents will need to provide a birth certificate or their ID with information about the child. You will need this when meeting with inspectors so that you are not given a fine, since some children look younger than their age.

If a driver neglects traffic rules and transports a child in the front seat without a car seat, he may be subject to the following fines:

  • if children are left in the car without adult supervision, the latter can be fined 500 rubles (the length of time children are left alone does not matter, even if they were left for only a few minutes);
  • if a child is transported without safety equipment, then the amount of fines is: 3,000 rubles - for an ordinary driver; 25,000 – for officials; 100,000 – for legal entities.

If the fine is paid within 20 days from the date the fine was issued, the person can pay 50% of its original amount.

As for transportation in a taxi, the same rules apply. It is unacceptable to seat children under 12 years of age in a taxi that does not have seat belts or a child car seat. The fine for a taxi driver will be 100 thousand rubles.

There are also certain rules regarding trucks. The child must be over 12 years of age and be in a car seat. The truck must have seat belts. A young passenger is not allowed in the back.

Arguments against transporting children ahead

According to research, the most protected seat in a car from possible impacts is the rear one in the center, while the unprotected one is the front passenger seat.

There are many arguments against keeping the child in front. The front passenger seat is dangerous even for adults, which is confirmed by statistics.

  1. An analysis of accidents in which children were also participants revealed: in 50% of accidents, damage to a child’s health and even his death occurred because he was in front during the collision. If his parents had placed him in a car seat in the back, the consequences would have been prevented.
  2. This position of the child is at risk of injury and injury at the time of a head-on collision.
  3. If the baby is emotional and often gets scared by unfamiliar things, then it is unwise to sit him in front: large cars, especially trucks, which, as it seems to him, are heading straight at them, risk sending him into hysterics, and this distracts the driver.
  4. Due to physiological characteristics, a child under 5 years of age must be transported backwards, but this reduces the distance from him to the devices, which should be observed in the event of a head-on collision.

Arguments for carrying your child in front

Although it is not recommended to carry children in the front seat, as this increases the risk to their health and life, there are also advantages to this position.

  • First of all, the parent can see what is happening with his child and also control him if necessary. If the baby is very small, then transport him on back seat one could be dangerous.
  • It may also be better for the baby to ride in front. Firstly, he sits next to the parent, which means he feels much more comfortable and calmer, which can eliminate children's whims. Secondly, he may be much more interested in watching the road and other cars, rather than looking at his chair while in the back seat.
  • In some cases - for example, a long trip with the whole family - there may not be free space in the car, since you have to transport not only people, but also a lot of things. As a result, some families put suitcases in the trunk and back seat, and since the car seat takes up a lot of space, the child is transported in front.

Where exactly to transport a child should be decided by the parents, taking into account all the risks to the health and life of their baby.

Rules for safely transporting a child in the front seat

When installing a car seat to the right of the parent behind the wheel, turn off the airbag. If it is activated, there is a risk that the child will be seriously harmed: in a frontal collision, the system fires with such force that it can tear out the car seat along with the fastenings. Or you can adjust the car seat according to the instructions that came with it.

Choosing a car seat

Security systems in child car seat must comply with the standards. It is not recommended to buy cheap and unreliable devices. In the store, you need to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate, the manufacturer, as well as a special rating that indicates safety.

Car seats can be divided into several types depending on how old the young passenger is and what his weight is:

  • up to 12 months, up to 10 kg – where the child sits horizontally;
  • up to one and a half years, up to 13 kg - a cocoon chair in which the baby sits with his back to the movement;
  • from one and a half to 4 years, 9-18 kg - a regular car seat;
  • from 3 to 7 years, weighs 15-25 kg - a car seat that is attached in the direction of travel;
  • from 6 to 12 years old, weighing from 22 to 36 kg - a car seat that allows the use of standard seat belts.

When purchasing a car seat, you need to check whether it can be secured in the interior, as certain fastenings will be required. Make sure your child is comfortable in the car seat and that the straps do not go directly over the neck.

Installing a car seat in the front seat

How to install a car seat in front:

  • before seating the child, make sure that the fastening is installed securely, the chair does not wobble or move around the seat;
  • when the child reaches 12 years of age, remove the inner part of the car seat, as well as the securing straps, using regular seat belts;
  • check that the lower part of the belt goes over the hips and the upper part goes over the chest;
  • Always buckle your child in, even if you are going to drive a short distance.

After securing the car seat, move the seat back as far as you can. You will increase the space between the body and the child in the event of a possible collision, which will increase the baby’s chances of a favorable outcome. If an impact occurs during the journey, the car seat should support the child, preventing him from hitting the dashboard or windshield.

Some parents prefer to transport newborns in bassinets instead of regular strollers. They do not have special fastening elements, and they are not as rigid and strong as required, so the child is not safe in them. As a result, inspectors may issue a fine.

Remember that children should not get used to always driving in front. This situation is acceptable when back seat For some reason, it is not possible to seat the child.

  • when the child is in front, drive the car more carefully and carefully than you usually do;
  • Do not pick up the baby in your arms while driving;
  • when driving, do not be distracted by the child if he suddenly begins to act up;
  • make sure you turn off the airbags;
  • If a traffic police officer tries to issue you a fine for having a car seat in the front seat, show him pre-printed court decisions that address such situations.

Follow traffic rules, otherwise you may not only get a fine, but also put your child in danger. Statistics on the website of the State Traffic Inspectorate state that in the winter and early spring of 2017, more than 1,800 children were injured, and approximately 80 children died.

Transporting children in the front seat of a car according to traffic regulations from 2019 will complicate the relationship between fathers and children. The main concern for children, of course, lies in the responsibility of the parents. It happens that wishing your child well, with the best intentions, not wanting to fetter freedom even when moving to road transport, parents expose their child to unnecessary danger. The recommended seats for transporting children by car do not necessarily constrain or cause discomfort to children. If you approach the selection of a seat with imagination, its installation, the choice of a comfortable and, most importantly, safe place and occupy it correctly, then nothing but peace and security will be disturbed during the journey. The statistics of the death of minors in road accidents is such that it is safer to follow the rules for transporting children in a car.

Key points in the rules

The question of whether it is allowed to transport children in the front seat of a car is not at all legitimate. It is not prohibited. The rules don't say anything about this. Everything said in them relates to the age of children. Also, height and weight are reflected in the document. Babies can be safely placed in the front. This is convenient for young parents when transporting babies without the presence of any other adults in the car besides the driver. The baby is in front of your eyes, and you don’t have to worry about him along the way. Rules for transporting children in the front seat require:

  • Reliable fixation of children under 12 years of age in an equipped seat with a holding mechanism.
  • It is prohibited to restrain minor passengers with regular seat belts. They are designed for an adult height of 150 cm and above and can cause injury in a collision or emergency braking.
  • Mandatory deactivation of the airbag.
  • The front passenger seat is moved all the way back.
  • The child in his seat is facing the cabin.

Subject to these few rules, transporting children in the front seat of your car is the safest and is not reprehensible on the part of the traffic police.

The airbag in a car is designed for an adult passenger. And in case of road troubles, when triggered, it can injure a small passenger under the age of 12 years in the front seat of a car. By placing the baby facing the passenger compartment, the risk of damage to the children's neck muscles in the event of an accident is prevented. If there is a strong impact from the car, the baby will only be pressed further into the back of the seat. And in a position facing the glass, the child’s head will tilt back by inertia with greater force than the child’s weak neck allows. Transportation by hand is prohibited. It is impossible to hold even a small person in the event of an impact in a collision. And the likelihood of additional injuries increases. The fastened seat belt should not go over the baby's neck or collarbone.

Transporting children in the front seat has become stricter in 2019. Now, to transport children in the front seat, the use of a special car seat has become mandatory. Installation of such a device is now required for children under 7 years of age. Transportation of children from 7 to 10 years of age is possible without a seat. Instead, a booster is provided (a very comfortable special pillow that raises the baby to the height of an adult). And then you can fasten it with regular seat belts.

Convenient location for children

There is an opinion among motorists that the safest way to transport children is to place them in the back seat behind the driver. According to experts, it is safer to be in the center of the back bench. And the place next to the driver in front is the most unprotected. This is according to statistics. Rules traffic this is not taken into account at all.

The fine for transporting children without a seat is now 3,000 rubles. Until 2019, the fine of 500 rubles did not frighten motorists. They preferred their own methods for the safe transportation of their children, even explaining this by the high cost of special child seats. In the current conditions, when such transportation will cost the same money, according to the legislator, the driver’s choice will change in favor of the opinion of specialists. Thus, in order to transport children in the front seat, according to the Road Traffic Rules from 2019, car owners are required to attach special devices. Places are not specified by the rules. The front seat is quite suitable for transporting a baby on errands.

It is useless to save on seats, boosters or other means that ensure the safety of your heirs. According to current rules, transportation of children under 12 years of age is carried out only with the use of restraining mechanisms. Punishment by the traffic police is inevitable.

Possibility to attach Baby chair to the front seat is not available in every car model. There are two possible options here. Driving on the road with a child in a secured seat in the back seat or converting the front seat. Timid arguments about the impossibility of strengthening baby device ahead in the cabin will not affect the testing forces. The traffic police inspector will still fine you.

Seats. What are there

Children's car seats come in several varieties, depending on weight and age. For babies up to one year old weighing up to 10 kg, a very comfortable special infant carrier has been invented. Children sit in it lying down. Such a cradle can also be installed on the seat next to the driver, but the design suggests placing it in the rear. For babies from 1.5 years old and weighing up to 13 kg, there is a cocoon chair. Something between a car seat and a car seat, it can be easily installed on the front seat. A cocoon is a car seat in which a baby aged from 9 months to 4 years with a weight of 9-18 kg can be transported. A design of this type requires installation according to the rules: facing the interior. In practice, drivers attach it with the landing in the direction of travel. Law enforcement officers treated this leniently. How it will be now, time will tell. Child seats can be equipped with their own three-point harness. If not, then the car's seat belts are used. The backrests are most often height adjustable.

The most convenient design solutions for the chair include the ability to detach the backrest from the seat. Then what remains is the so-called booster. This seat simply raises the little passenger’s body to a safe height. The road traffic rules do not specifically indicate either the types or designs of devices for transporting young passengers. It turns out that by placing a blanket under the baby, raising him to the height of an adult, and fastening him with seat belts, the rules have been followed. The reaction of traffic police to such “devices” is still unknown.

Important! The rules place emphasis on the child's growth, i.e. If a child has already grown over 150 cm by the age of 10, he no longer needs any special structures for moving in a car. Age does not matter at all. And the requirement to present documents for children in order to establish their age is absolutely unlawful.

Children after 12 years of age weighing more than 36 kg, of course, continue to remain children. But they are already allowed to sit next to dad in the front part of the cabin. Everything here is the same as with adults: the seat belt is fastened, the airbag is activated.

The ban on transporting children in old buses, which are in no way equipped or adapted for safe travel, as provided for in the rules, has been postponed until July 1, 2019.

I am glad to welcome you to the pages of the blog, dear readers! Every parent, sooner or later, is faced with the fact that his beloved child must be taken to visit a clinic, a swimming pool, a class, or just to school or kindergarten. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether you have a personal car or whether you are talking about a taxi ride. You can find out how, how to do this, and what kind of holding device to use by reading. And today I will take a broader look at one of the paragraphs of this article and answer the question: at what age can you ride in the front seat?

The most interesting thing is that traffic regulations do not impose any age limit on transporting a child in the front seat. It turns out that at any age, be it 1 month, 3 years, 15 years, you can transport children in the front seat.

But, not everything is so simple, yes indeed it is possible, but only in certain cases it is necessary to use a child seat, and it can be located both in the direction of travel and against it. We will examine these nuances in more detail.

Without car seat

From this paragraph of the rules it follows that children over 12 years of age can be transported without any devices, such as child seats, both in the front seat and in the back row. As for children under 12 years of age (up to 11 inclusive), the use of restraint systems is necessary.

By the way, do not forget to fasten children over 12 years old with a seat belt; although they can be in a child seat, no one has canceled the safety rules. Let us turn to the section “General responsibilities of the driver” of the traffic rules:

It is the driver who is responsible for all passengers in the car and whether they are fastened.

Using a car seat

The use of other restraint devices in this case is unacceptable. By other devices we mean various kinds of boosters and seat belt adapters and frameless seats (and this is complete nonsense - look at the crash tests).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a child seat in the front seat can be placed in the forward-facing or rear-facing direction. So, if the seat is turned against the direction of travel, then in order to avoid serious consequences of an accident, if the car has a frontal airbag, then it must be turned off. If the cushion cannot be switched off, then the seat can only be placed in the direction of travel.


The driver can be held accountable under two articles:

I think in the article I answered the question in detail: at what age can you ride in the front seat. And don't forget. That children are our future and violating traffic rules against them is simply blasphemy! On my website there are many more interesting articles on the topic of traffic rules and their violations, for example: and application of the rules

The question of at what age can a child ride in the front seat worries many parents. The rules require the use of a child seat; up to a certain height or age of the child this is still possible, but after that it becomes completely uncomfortable. It is not always convenient to carry children in the back; they often ask to sit in the front seat. We will explain to what age parents will not be able to satisfy their child’s request, and we will also tell you what will happen for violating this rule.

Traffic rules are constantly changing, so it is important for drivers to monitor their updates and know at what age children can ride in the front seat. The new changes also apply to child seats; parents with school-aged and preschool age It will be interesting to know which innovations are adopted.

First of all, it was clarified controversial issues, which could be interpreted in different ways, could not do without trials between the traffic police and drivers. From July 12, 2017, the new regulations conditionally divide minors into three age categories:

  • from 0 to 7 years.
  • from 7 to 12 years.
  • from 12 (inclusive) to 18 years.

There are special requirements for the transportation of all groups that drivers must comply with. Regardless of whether a child will be transported in the front or rear seat, it is necessary to use a special car seat for children or a so-called child restraint device (abbreviated as “CDU”). But if a child is over 7 years old and rides in the back seat, the seat can no longer be used, but can be fastened with standard seat belts. For a front seat, a seat is required up to 12 years of age.

Article 22.9 of the Rules states: Transportation of children under 7 years of age in passenger car and cabin truck, the design of which includes seat belts or seat belts and the ISOFIX* child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.
The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with Technical regulations Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles.”
Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child. The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cabin of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the specified systems (devices). It is prohibited to transport children under the age of 12 on the back seat of a motorcycle.

So, let's summarize the above and in simple words Let's explain the following.

Transportation of children from 0 to 7 years old

Children aged 0 to 7 years old must always be transported in any seat in a car in a car seat or using a child restraint system.

Transportation of children from 7 to 12 years old

Transportation of children at this age is divided into two options:

  • In the front seat – always in a car seat or with a child restraint system
  • In the rear seat, standard seat belts may be used.

Transportation of children over 12 years of age

At this age (12 years and older), the use of car seats is no longer required; a seat belt is sufficient, as for any adult passenger.

Choosing a car seat

It is worth noting that it is necessary to choose the correct size of the child restraint system; they differ in the weight and height of the passenger, so if the model does not match, you may be fined. According to the “Road Rules”, children’s car seats are also divided into several types, depending on weight and height:

  • For babies up to 1 year old, whose weight does not exceed 10 kg. Car seats also fall into this category. They can be installed both front and rear; the rules do not have strict requirements for such a design. Most infant carriers are large in size and fit only in the back seat; the design itself simply does not allow them to be placed in the front.
  • For children under 1.5 years of age, whose maximum weight can reach 13 kg, it is planned to use a special design that looks like a hybrid of a car seat and a child seat. You can install such a device on any seat, but if you do it on the front seat, it is placed backwards. This landing is provided for a reason; it is the safest in a collision with another vehicle or obstacle.
  • For children weighing up to 18 kg and aged 4 years, a full-fledged child seat is provided, which can be placed in the rear or front seat.
  • For minors under 7 years old, weighing up to 25 kg.
  • The largest chair is designed for children up to 36 kg or 12 years of age.

Please note that for older children, the seat is already turned to face the direction of travel, that is, the child will sit like a regular passenger, but in a smaller seat.

The ability to use the front seat for transporting children is unlimited. According to the new rules, children of any age can be transported, with the only condition that restraints provided by law must be used.

How to choose a chair?

First of all, a car seat is not just a requirement of the legislator, but also the safety and life of your child, so you should not skimp on this item. First of all, attention should be paid to the quality of the product, and not its cost. In addition, carefully study the parameters of the chair; before purchasing it, find out the exact height and weight of your child. Children under 12 years old can be transported in the front seat. But you can’t do this without a chair; now the rules clearly require just such compliance.

In the back seat, for children over 7 years old, a seat is no longer required; it is believed that the passenger seats in the back are safer, and you can get by by simply fastening the baby with standard restraints. If they wish, parents can place a child of this age in a car seat, but the law does not directly require this, so the inspector will not be able to fine if the child is simply fastened with a seat belt.

There are exceptions - large children, whose weight already exceeds 36 kg at the age of 10, and whose build simply does not allow them to fit even in the largest chair, can ride without it. The main thing is that the child is tall enough to use a regular seat belt. No one is obligated to carry miniature children under 12 years of age in a seat, but you can do this if you think it’s appropriate.

Please note that the law does not have a minimum age at which it becomes possible to carry a minor in a seat next to the driver. This means that you can place a child of any age in this place, but if he is not 12 years old, you will have to use restraints prescribed by law and corresponding to the weight and age of your offspring.

Punishment for violations and child safety

In all cases, fines are provided for violating the rules for transporting children. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 11 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the amount of the fine has increased significantly. If previously it was only 500 rubles, today an inspector can issue a penalty of 1 to 3 thousand rubles (Article 12.23 and 12.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This was done in order to increase the responsibility of citizens for their children, whom they transport in the car.

Not only the availability of devices for transporting children is taken into account, but also whether they are used correctly. Even if the car is equipped with airbags, they will not reliably protect the fragile body of a child. The fact is that the airbags are designed to fit the size of an adult, and in the event of an accident, if a child is not secured correctly, he will simply fly away from his seat and may receive serious injuries, including from the airbag itself.

If you carry a child in the front seat, then it is better to turn off the airbag, if possible, and move the seat itself as far back as possible. This is done so that in the event of an impact the airbag does not injure the child; if it cannot be turned off, then it is better not to put the baby in the front seat; he will be more comfortable and safer in the back. However, this rule is not always feasible; children cannot always sit in the back. For example, if there is only one adult in the car and he is driving, then it will be more convenient to seat the child forward next to you. The fact is that it’s easier to control his actions this way. If the child is small, he may begin to open the window, stick out his arms or head, which is very dangerous, especially in heavy traffic, and not every car has locking windows, especially handles.

This is not stipulated by the rules, but if you are monitoring the safety of a child, it is better to close the doors using central lock: inquisitive kids can pull the handle while moving and open the door; if there is no car seat, the baby will fall out onto the roadway while driving.

The rules also apply to leaving children in the car: if the child is under seven years old and he is left alone in the car, and you go, for example, to the store, then upon your return you may be in for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fine. The legislator thought about this, since accidents often occur with children when they are left alone in the car. Even if you have a child over seven years old, it is not advisable to leave him, or at least you should not leave the key in the ignition.

Conclusion: there are no requirements for the child’s age and his right to ride in the front seat, however, there are requirements for the use of special seats that can be installed in any passenger seat of your car. It is important that the mount is appropriate for the weight and age of the child and is installed properly.

As a rule, problems do not arise if the chair slightly mismatches the parameters, for example, it is designed for 15 kg, and the child weighs 20 kg, the inspector will not be able to control this, so with proper communication you can always prove that you are right. When taking a child with you, you are not required to have documents for him, however, if you do not want unnecessary disputes, especially if the children are small, it is better to show the inspector a note in the passport or the child’s birth certificate, which will indicate his real age.

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Transporting a child in a car must take into account the rules and regulations of traffic regulations. Sitting in a car, the baby is not able to take care of his own safety, which means this function is transferred to the shoulders of the parents.

In 2017, certain amendments were made to the rules for transporting children in the back or front seat, which should be considered in more detail.

In addition, it is also worth dwelling on general safety issues for young passengers and listing the restrictions that parents may encounter when transporting children.

From the beginning of 2017, new requirements regarding transporting a child in a car will come into force. In paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules, it is now specifically noted that the transportation of children under seven years of age is carried out using a special restraint device, which must fully correspond to the height and weight of the child’s body.

What are the differences from the 2016 edition and earlier versions? Now it is possible to carry a young passenger under twelve years of age in a car using a restraint device or other structures that would allow him to be fastened through a seat belt.

As you can see, the difference is in two main points:

  1. Firstly, the rules excluded the concept of “other devices”. Experts have conducted comprehensive studies that have proven that various devices (excluding a special chair) coupled with standard straps significantly increase the risk of injury to a child. And, conversely, the use of standard seat belts is much safer for many children due to well-thought-out design features. Thus, a child from seven to twelve years old can be transported in the back seat, either using a seat or using standard car seat belts.
  2. Secondly, the changes also affected the age of children. In 2017, the rules will become less stringent (in relation to the age limit), since, again, various studies have shown that the physiological characteristics of the child must also be taken into account. A nine-year-old passenger can sometimes be mistaken for a 12-year-old teenager, and an 11-year-old teenager often looks 8-9 years old due to his slender build. That is, parents themselves will decide how to transport children over 7 years old, focusing on the “density” of their figure.

How to carry a small child in the back seat in 2016-2017 is more or less clear. How will young car enthusiasts be transported in the front seat of a car in 2017?

The rules remain the same - children under twelve years of age can only be transported next to the driver using a special car seat. That is, the use of standard seat belts in the front seat of a car in relation to a child aged 7 to 12 years is completely excluded.

What is the penalty for violating the rule?

In 2017, traffic rules also imply fines for parents if children are transported in violation of the law.

The amount of the monetary penalty has not changed compared to 2016 and is 3,000 rubles. It is worth saying that a fine is imposed not only for moving a child in a car without a car seat secured in the back or front seat, but also for incorrectly securing it.

Transportation of children over 7 years old, fastened with a standard seat belt, in the back seat is permitted in the 2017 Traffic Regulations.

It is curious, but at first the developers of the law intended to introduce standards for body weight or height, but it is technically impossible to control such characteristics of the child. The inspector won't weigh or measure the kids with a tape measure?

To confirm the age of a small passenger, you need to carry documents in the car - an identity card with a mark about the child or him.

Airbag and children

When placing a restraint system in the front seat, do not forget about such a device as the factory airbag. Many parents are confident that such accessories, coupled with a car seat, will further protect the child from damage in a frontal collision. Are they right? Arguments from experts say the opposite.

In the event of a car accident, the immediate deployment of the safety device is fraught with serious additional injuries to the child seated in the front seat.

The likelihood of an unfavorable outcome increases if a cradle is used to transport the baby, which is placed backwards. This position will only increase the impact if the airbag inflates during an accident.

What can parents do to make it safe for their child to ride in the front seat of a car? Seat manufacturers and safety experts recommend:

  • when transporting a child, it is better to disable the mechanism of this protective device in order to reduce the risk of injury when the pillow deploys;
  • a child seat placed in the front seat must be rolled back so that in the event of a direct collision, the airbag cannot harm the child, and there is additional distance between him and the traumatic surface.

Traffic regulations allow young passengers to be transported in the front seat of a car, but subject to a special restraint device - most often this is a seat. And there are still a large number of arguments against putting children in a seat next to drivers, even if you have a seat.

It is believed that sitting in the front seat is dangerous for an adult, let alone a child. This is why many motorists, despite the permission of the 2017 Traffic Regulations, are in no hurry to transport children, seating them in front. As evidenced by statistics and expert research, such fears are well founded:

After reading such arguments, parents need to think about whether their dear child should be transported in the front seat. In many respects, including technical ones, it is better for a child to sit in the back seat, especially if one of the relatives is there.

Despite the above-mentioned dangers of transporting a child in front, parents continue to transport their children in this position. They justify their choice with the following arguments:

  1. Lack of consolidated space. On a long trip, adults have to carry so many different items that the trunk simply doesn't have enough capacity. Therefore, parents are simply forced to store their belongings in the back seat. The seat can take up a lot of free space, so transporting a child in the front seat is a necessary measure.
  2. There are no relatives in the car who can look after the young passenger. Children in a car are an additional source of irritation (that is, distraction) for a parent. Firstly, a one and a half year old child constantly needs to be given a bottle, wipe his nose, and entertain him when he is naughty. Secondly, carrying a baby in the back seat alone is a little scary, because you never know what can happen.
  3. The child's desire to sit in front. If a one-and-a-half-year-old baby can sit relatively calmly in the back seat, playing with a doll or listening to music, then older children require their parents to carry them “adult” - in the front seat. New impressions and a feeling of adulthood await them there. Of course, little passengers don’t even think about the potential danger of such a place. Parents can tell an older child why it is undesirable for children to sit in the front. You still need to negotiate with the baby or distract him in any way possible.

Of course, this is not a complete list of reasons that force you to carry your baby in the front seat. For some, it is more convenient and calmer, while others are simply forced to transport this way due to unforeseen circumstances. If transporting children in front is unavoidable, you can and should create the safest conditions possible.

Is the chair still located in the front seat? This means that you need to carefully read and follow the advice of experienced motorists and experts on safe driving techniques. Their unconditional implementation will allow parents, if not to exclude injuries in an accident, then to significantly protect the baby from possible consequences.

If you follow these rules, you will reduce the threat to the health of a small passenger when transporting him in a car to a minimum. You can carry your baby in both the front and back seats, but the second option is much preferable.

And finally, transporting a child concerns not only the parent and his offspring directly. When getting behind the wheel of a car, a person becomes a participant in the road process, and, therefore, is simply obliged to comply with the traffic rules 2017. Seat or seat belts – important element safety regardless of which seat the child is in.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

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