A prayer to the Lord to bring him to his senses and return from another. Prayers for understanding. Prayer for reconciliation of people

Prayers for conversion to faith

Prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ

Merciful Lord! Thy will be done, that we all may be saved and come to the understanding of truth! Save and preserve Your servant (name), accept this prayer of mine, like a cry of love commanded by You!

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy and have mercy on Your servant (name), forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, heal his mental and physical infirmities, lead him to faith and salvation. Amen.

God! Enlighten the lost (names), convert them to Thy holy Church and save them by Thy omnipotent grace! Keep us in Orthodoxy and the true faith, for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages.

Wife's prayer for an unbelieving husband

(Sche-abbot Ioann (Alekseeva))

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my husband (name), save and bring him to reason.

Parents' prayer for children

Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Prayer to the Mother of God for the conversion of the lost

(St. Gabriel of Novgorod)

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your maternal boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above and on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul! Amen.

Every person has many emotions and questions during the day when they want to receive support and help from above. You can turn to God in your own words, but it is not always possible to clearly formulate this appeal yourself.

For this purpose, in the prayer book of an Orthodox Christian there is a section “Prayers for every need.” And of course, there are only polished phrases. These prayers will help you not to ask for what is displeasing to the Lord. They are an example of a Christian approach to a problem.

Short prayers and some long ones are so easy to remember that after the first reading they themselves visit us in the right situation. And the main thing is that they help.

Prayer at a loss as to what to do

Lord, I am a sinful person and I do not understand as I should, but You are merciful, teach me how to act.

Prayer for the reconciliation of people

Lord, Lover of Mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmities of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant now peace to Thy servants (name): root in them Thy fear, and establish love for each other: quench all strife, remove all discord and temptations. For You are our peace, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for the gift of understanding

(Saint John Chrysostom)

Give, Lord, now to my unworthiness also the grace of understanding, in order to recognize what is pleasant for You, and what is useful for me, and not only to recognize, but also to do, so as not to get carried away and not to cleave to empty things, to have compassion for those who suffer and to be condescending to sinners.

Prayer forforgiveness of forgotten sins

(Saint Barsanuphius the Great)

Master Lord, since it is a sin to forget one’s sins, I have sinned in everything against You, the One Knower of the Heart; You forgive me everything according to Your love for mankind; This is why the splendor of Your glory is revealed when You do not repay sinners according to their deeds, for You are glorified forever. Amen.

Prayer for deliverance from temptations

(Reverend Simeon the New Theologian)

Do not allow me, Master, Lord, temptation or sorrow or illness beyond my strength, but deliver me from them or grant me the strength to endure them with thanksgiving.

Prayer of repentance

Weaken, forgive, forgive, O God, our sins, voluntary and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and ignorance, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us all, for you are Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen.

Prayer for fear (when scared)

Almighty God! The hour of Your glory has come, have mercy on me and deliver me from great misfortune, I place my hopes in You, but I myself am helpless and insignificant. Help me, God, and deliver me from fear. Lord, have mercy on me. Amen.

Prayer of the Sick

Lord, You see my illness, You know how sinful and weak I am, help me to endure and thank Your goodness.

Prayer of Saint John of Kronstadt

God! Your name is Love: do not reject me, a misguided person.

Your name is Strength: strengthen me, who is exhausted and falling!

Your name is Light: enlighten my soul, darkened by worldly passions.

Your name is Peace: pacify my restless soul.

Your name is Mercy: do not cease to have mercy on me!

Prayer for children

Master, Lord Almighty, be merciful to my children, lead them to faith and salvation, keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open the ears and eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts their.

Prayer for the disobedient

(St. Silouan of Athos)

Lord, give wisdom to Your servant, You love him.

Prayer for remission of the sins of youth

Remember Your bounties, O Lord, and Your mercies, as they have been since the ages. The sin of my youth, and do not remember my ignorance, for the sake of Your goodness, Lord.

Prayer for the evil one

Lord, bless Your servant (name) with Your grace.

Prayer for offenders

Lord, have mercy on them, they don’t know what they are doing.

Prayer for the granting of prayer

Teach me, Lord, to pray earnestly to You with attention and love, without which prayer cannot be heard! May I not have careless prayer to my sin!

Prayer for the blessing of food and drink

Lord Jesus Christ, bless us with food and drink through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints, as blessed be unto the ages. Amen.

Prayer for a drunkard

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the womb and carnal joy, grant him to know the sweetness of abstinence and fasting, and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it.

Prayer for a glutton

Lord, our sweetest food, which never perishes, but remains in eternal life: cleanse Your servant (name) from the filth of gluttony, alien to Your Spirit, and grant him to know the sweetness of Your Life-giving spiritual food, which is Your Flesh and Blood and the Holy, living and active Your word.

Birthday prayer

Lord God, Ruler of the whole world, visible and invisible. All the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind.

Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and in harmony with all neighbors.

Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs.

Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, having passed into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom.

Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen.

Prayer of the Optina Elders

Lord, let me meet with peace of mind everything that the coming day will bring me. Let me completely surrender to Your Holy will.

For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything.

Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Your Holy will.

In all my words and deeds, guide my thoughts and feelings.

In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything was sent down by You.

Teach me to act directly and wisely with each member of my family, without confusing or upsetting anyone.

Lord, give me strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day.

Guide my will and teach me to repent, pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive, thank and love everyone.

Father Valery's articles are devoted to the main questions that every Christian asks. How to fight harmful passions and cultivate the seeds of goodness sown by God in the soul of every person? How to build respectable, loving relationships with your neighbors? What is true Orthodox faith? Based on many years of pastoral practice, Father Valery shares his views on the main aspects of the life of an Orthodox Christian.

Do you think the author of the lines is so unfairly persecuted:

I began to proclaim love
And the truth is pure teachings:
All my neighbors are in me
They threw stones wildly.

(M.Yu. Lermontov)

Are we always right when we self-confidently read morals to our neighbors? By the way, about Mikhail Lermontov himself, this rightfully great poet, alas, it must be said that he did not protect his neighbors with his own words. As a result: the sad duel with Martynov was, in a certain sense, provoked by him.

Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets said: “Endlessly justifying himself and believing that others do not understand him, that everyone around him is unfair, and he is an innocent sufferer and an unfortunate victim, a person becomes insane and ceases to control himself.” And indeed it is. If you look at what is happening in the soul of this person, then you can say with complete confidence - although the author is not a seer - that irritated feelings and thoughts are jumping around in disarray: “this one acted with me completely unscrupulously,” “and this one did not appreciate me.” , “but this generally stupid person harmed me, let him suffer for it.” Such a soul is indignant, like sea foam, about other people’s affairs, judges almost everyone, exhausts itself, with difficulty getting out of mental dramas, as if after a grueling battle with a monster. If you look at the external relations of such a person with his neighbors, then there are constant conflicts, misunderstandings, inability to get along and work together, and as a result - failures in life, including unemployment, addiction to alcohol and poverty.

When people communicate with each other, there are common mistakes that essentially destroy communication. This happens, in particular, when we are confident in our own superiority and act as teachers.

Such people love nothing more than to give advice to everyone, and, having quickly made a diagnosis, they immediately rush to offer their own recipe. They live by observing those around them and as soon as they notice something that causes them indignation, they, with the air of know-it-alls, spill out what is currently on their mind. The desire to correct and suggest to others is their vital itch, which never gives them rest.

​Not feeling responsible for their words, they rush to give advice and, persistently interfering with other people’s destinies, give orders like brilliant strategists and guides. As a rule, such people are self-confident, easily reject advice addressed to them personally, and if their predictions or interventions fail, they immediately blame others, but never themselves.

So, those who are too accustomed to giving advice make the most mistakes. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) said about such people: “Vanity and conceit love to teach and instruct. They don't care about the merits of their advice! They do not think that they can inflict an incurable ulcer on their neighbor with ridiculous advice.” That is why very often, when we give recommendations left and right, when we pronounce reproaches, they seem to go into emptiness, do not achieve their goal, and sometimes turn the person to whom we turned against us.

Not everyone has the gift of feeling the soul of another. But without this sensitivity it is impossible to help a person’s soul. It’s not enough to see other people’s mistakes—everyone is capable of this. It is important to give advice as if your neighbor were giving it to himself.

Let us note that the soul of almost any person is very sensitive to outside interference and does not accept the tone of reproof, even just edification, since this immediately sharply contrasts people, placing one, that is, the accuser, higher, and the other, that is, the denounced, lower. In a situation of conflict, resentment or obvious injustice of a neighbor, it is best to touch on the problem tangentially in a heart-to-heart conversation, without exposing him with a direct reproach, but in a friendly manner considering possible options for action, as if to admonish himself. And this is only possible when there is common ground for conversation; if there is obviously an abyss between you, trying to overcome it, if you have not yet acquired the wings of spirituality, means most likely falling into this abyss and being broken.

An ancient patericon tells how Abba Ammon once visited the place of some monks. At that time, one of the brothers was subjected to a strong temptation: a woman visited him. This became known to the other monks, who were greatly embarrassed and, having gathered for a meeting, decided to expel the seduced brother. They invited Abba Ammon to go with them so that they could inspect the monk’s hut together. The sinful brother found out about this in advance and hid the woman under a large wooden vessel, turning it upside down. Entering the hut, Abba Ammon immediately understood everything, sat down on a wooden vessel and ordered the hut to be searched. The monks found no one, and Abba Ammon said to them: “May God forgive you your sin.” Then he prayed and ordered everyone to leave, but he himself went last. Leaving his cell, he graciously took the hand of the accused monk and said with love: “Brother! Pay attention to yourself." Thus, with one kind, warm word, the elder corrected the one whom they hopelessly wanted to correct with straightforward and loveless reproof.

He gives us an amazing instruction: “We must treat our neighbors kindly, without even the appearance of insulting them. When we turn away from a person or insult him, then it’s like a stone falls on our heart. You should try to cheer up the spirit of a confused or despondent person with words of love. When you see a brother committing a sin, cover him, as Saint Isaac the Syrian advises: “Stretch out your robe over the sinner and cover him.”

This is how the saints themselves acted in such situations. One night, while passing through the monastery threshing floor, I caught a man stealing wheat. The thief, frightened, fell at the feet of the saint, begging him not to tell anyone about this, so as not to lose the respect of his neighbors. But the elder was so kind-hearted that he not only did not reproach the thief with a single word, but even himself helped him lift the bag of stolen grain. Having instructed with humble words not to do anything like this in the future, recalling the commandments of God and the upcoming impartial Judgment, at which everything would have to be reported to the Lord, the elder released the thief.

For a Christian, this is extremely important - in communicating with others, not to highlight and seek out their sins, but, on the contrary, to notice the best, bright, and kind in them. As for correcting other people's mistakes, if you undertake it, do it with kindness and love. The Monk Mark the Ascetic rightly said on this matter: “It is better to pray with reverence for your neighbor than to convict him of any sin.”

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt offers us this advice: “Love every person, despite his fall into sin. Sins are sins, but the basis in man is one - the image of God. Sometimes people's weaknesses are obvious when, for example, they are angry, proud, envious, stingy, and greedy. But remember that you are not without evil, and maybe there is even more of it in you than in others. At least with regard to sins, all people are equal: “All,” it is said, “have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23); We are all guilty before God and we all need His mercy. Therefore, we must tolerate each other and forgive each other mutually, so that our Heavenly Father will forgive us our sins (see: Matt. 6:14). Look how much God loves us, how much He has done for us and continues to do, how He punishes lightly, but has mercy generously and graciously! If you want to correct someone's shortcomings, do not think about correcting him using your own means. We ourselves spoil more than we help, for example, with our pride and irritability. But cast your sorrow on the Lord (see: Ps. 55:23) and with all your heart pray to Him that He Himself will enlighten the mind and heart of man. If He sees that your prayer is imbued with love, He will certainly fulfill your request, and you will soon see a change in the one for whom you are praying. “This is the change of the right hand of the Most High” (Ps. 77:11).”

What else can be suggested regarding attempts to reason with others? First of all, evaluate a specific act, and not the person who committed it. Be especially careful not to call a mistake made by your neighbor the rule of his life. Judge for yourself: it’s one thing if someone tells you: “You’ll never do anything properly!”, “You’re not capable of anything!”, “It’s immediately obvious that you’re stupid,” etc., another. It’s the case when someone tells you: “You usually do better,” “Today you didn’t do the right thing,” “In my opinion, you are capable of better,” etc. That is, we must leave the admonished person with hope of salvation, and not drive him into a corner.

Indeed, a significant mistake occurs when, trying to reason with someone, we begin to highlight his negative traits, sometimes highlighting his shortcomings in front of others. The corresponding reaction is rejection of our words. By annoying others and publicly humiliating us, apparently wanting to help them gain humility, we monstrously provoke a manifestation of pride in a person. But the Monk Ephraim the Syrian gives advice of a different nature: “Show honor to your brother before his acquaintances, and you will be honored before the Lord.” You can offer advice only with goodwill, without opposing yourself to another, but putting yourself on the same ground with him: “I myself am much worse than you, in this situation, do you think, maybe I would try to do this?”

Let's think about from whom it is easier for us to bear a reproach: from a benevolent person who speaks kindly and with love, or from an impatient person who speaks hot-tempered and contemptuously?

So how should we ourselves communicate to others so that they receive our word?

There is a wonderful rule of life: start with yourself, and you will develop relationships with your loved ones. Stop correcting others according to your judgment, and you will find mutual understanding with them. Conquer in yourself what you don’t like in those around you, and your neighbors will follow your example.

He even offers this advice: “When you meet your neighbor, force yourself to show him honor beyond his measure... Praise him even for what he does not have... With this and similar things you will attract him to goodness, you will make him ashamed of the greeting with which you greeted him, and sow the seeds of virtue in him... Beware of reproaching or reproaching anyone for anything, because we have an impartial Judge in heaven. If you want to convert someone to the truth, then grieve for him and, with tears and love, say a word or two to him, and do not become angry with him, and let him not see a sign of enmity in you.” Our words or instructions will never be accepted by a person if we do not predispose him to accept the word with a kind attitude. Even the pride of another person must be treated with condescension. Don’t poke a person’s nose at his shortcomings, but carefully correct them, relying on the good that still exists in him.

And yet, does this mean that it is better to just remain silent? It happens that we push our dissatisfaction inside without making the necessary remark, gloomily accumulate resentment, and then, having lost control, we throw it out in the face. “It is much better to reprove than to be angry in secret” (Sir. 20: 1), it is said in Old Testament. In the Gospel we read: “If your brother sins against you, reprimand him” (Luke 17:3), this means that you still need to reprimand your neighbor about his offense, “and if he repents, forgive him” (Luke 17 : 3). But here, firstly, the complete eradication of anger and irritability in oneself is assumed: “if he sins against you seven times a day, and seven times a day he turns back and says, “I repent,” forgive him” (Luke 17 : 4), so that reprimanding your brother should not have the goal of restoring justice in itself, but of addressing the salvation of your brother’s soul, when you yourself are ready to forgive him, if only he would convert. Secondly, our words should not become a temptation for our neighbor. A reproach uttered inappropriately or at the wrong time will only plunge the other person into temptation. “It is impossible not to be tempted; but woe to him through whom they come” (Luke 17:1).

Alas, the realities of life do not always meet our hopes and plans. Wanting to convey some truth to a person, say, a word about faith, sometimes we fail. Sometimes our word cannot be accepted, since it is pronounced very ineptly, without application to a person’s real life. But unfortunately, we also often encounter naked cynicism in society. And one can speak about the bearer of such a moral quality in the words from the poem “Demon”:

He called the beautiful a dream;
He despised inspiration;
He did not believe in love, freedom;
He looked at life mockingly -
And nothing in all of nature
He didn't want to bless.

A sincere conversation is hardly possible with a person who laughs in your face. How to convey the sacred to someone for whom, in principle, nothing is sacred? It seems hardly possible to talk with a cynic about faith and all that is most sacred. “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces” (Matthew 7:6). Sometimes it is better to remain silent about something that life itself will eventually explain to the cynic.

So, it is important to learn to feel who can say what, under what conditions and how. Life offers us the opportunity to gain this experience. And a patient and tactful attitude towards other people will tell you how to do the right thing, if, of course, we are motivated by love and a kind attitude towards our neighbors.

Thank you Mother for your words about Multatuli! And at one time we wrote to His Holiness the Patriarch about recognizing the following as Holy Martyrs: Sovereign Emperor Michael II, the Grand Dukes killed in the Peter and Paul Fortress on the night of January 27, 1919, the Princes of the Imperial Blood, thrown into a mine near Alapaevsk, servants of the Royal Martyrs - A.E. Troupe, I.M. Kharitonova, A.S. Demidov, E.S. Botkin. We were told that a special commission created on this matter - wait, now we have been waiting for the fifth year. Grandson E.S. Botkina constantly comes to the fortress and kisses the tombstone, as does A.S.’s great-niece. Demidova. Only Multatuli is still itching to mock the relics of her grandfather. Well, God will be his judge. It is people like Multatuli who probably desecrate the place where the relics of the Martyrs were found, constantly breaking crosses and knocking down tablets with Their Holy Names. God forgive us!

Alexandra answers

Well you said: God is his judge. It’s bitter, of course, but it’s not for us to judge; apparently, the time has not come yet. When the Pharisees at the Sanhedrin demanded the death of Christ, one of the highest Pharisees named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law respected by all the people, said: “Leave this matter to God. If He (Christ) is from the evil one, then the Lord Himself will remove Him, not allowing Him to bring discord in the Church. If this man is from God, then aren’t you afraid that you will kill the Man of God, and for this you and your entire family will suffer punishment from God!” I remember the words from the Bible (New Testament, “Gospel of Matthew”): 34. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things: enough for each day is its own worry. 71. Judge not, lest ye be judged. And one more thing: “God cannot be scolded!” and “Wonderful is God in His saints.” Maybe we are rushing things too quickly. The time will come and God Himself will glorify everyone. Although, of course, it is bitter: the Churches have united, but the calendar has not yet been put in order (the martyrs you listed for the Tsar and Russia in 1981 were glorified by the Russian Orthodox Church Z). Let's turn to history. Saint Francis of Assisi (Italy, XIV century) was canonized even before the division of the Churches. It would be reasonable to demand that we glorify this saint in the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, it is known that in dreams he pointed to the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov to his admirers and said: “Where this elder is, there is the truth.” Apparently, the time has not yet come (more likely, we are not ready in our mass): when will it be necessity, Tsar Nicholas II himself will indicate who else we need to glorify for our own salvation. And P. Multatuli’s articles on the monarchy, Nicholas II and others are worthy of publication - I think no one doubts this. Moreover, in an era of general lies... (I have now posted an interview with P. Multatuli on the Soyuz TV channel about Nicholas II in the Guest Interview) Forgive me!

May the Lord enlighten us!

Alexandra answers

Let's start with the principle by which saints are canonized. The first (and main) rule is not what miracles they performed during their lifetime, but HOW MANY MIRACLES AND HEALINGS HAPPENED WHEN VISITING THEIR GRAVES. It’s not just that Rev. Seraphim of Sarov and the not yet canonized Father Nikolai Guryanov told everyone before their death: “Come to my grave and talk to me as if I were alive - and I will hear you!” Therefore, if for 12 years now (after the canonization of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000) we have not been allowed to visit the grave of the Royal Martyrs, what kind of healings and miracles can we talk about? 6 years ago, Minister of Culture Alexander Sergeevich Sokolov gave me permission (it is still in force) to visit the Tomb of the last Tsar on Tsar’s Days with a group of no more than 15 people. We have already written here what miracles happened at their grave (the Serbian paralyzed girl at that very moment began to hold her head and turn it around, and look at everyone. This is witnessed by Andrei N. (he was the one who brought them) and other fans of the Tsar, who were then present in the Tomb). So, ardent opponents of the revival of the monarchy in Russia, after the same 10 years, will shout: “What kind of Orthodox saint is Nicholas II if no miracles or healings happened at his grave in 22 years!” Therefore, it is necessary now to strive with all our might to open the Catherine’s chapel for visitors, so that people can come and venerate his grave, just as they come to venerate and ask for help at the graves of Saints John of Kronstadt and Xenia the Blessed... Help us, Lord! Enlighten and guide us!

Dear mother! Over the past 2 days, I have looked at many sites dedicated to the Royal Family and Nicholas 2. Since my knowledge in this area is small and even more limited to a single book. N.D. Zhevakhov (though after which everything fell into place in my head regarding the role of Nicholas 2 in the fate of Russia and the whole world) and your site. I tried to understand what “people think.” I was scared... What did he think... Those sites that consider Nicholas 2 the Redeemer do not recognize the examination of the royal remains and that is where the bulk of the information about " bloody ritual, bleeding, rabbis, cut off heads, evil Jewish Freemasons who are to blame for everything,” etc. Those who recognize the remains do not recognize the significance and meaning of the death of Nicholas 2 and his Family. The Church has recorded those who recognize the Tsar as the Redeemer and seek Repentance as heretics (although I read somewhere that Patriarch Alexy 2 openly called for national repentance 2 times in 1993 and 1998, but no one heeded this). On one site I found many different huge articles and one by Osipov, where he accuses Nicholas 2. in all the troubles of Russia (although he wrote this before canonization). It turns out that those who, in theory, should be vitally interested in the calling of the Tsar and Repentance, are so far from each other and even at enmity that it becomes scary. - it’s fun. But the mass of people (99 percent) who consider themselves Russians don’t even think about this topic and in general they are skillfully distracted by other problems. Mother, please explain to me what is happening, how can it be that the Church is calling to Repentance? considers heresy? After all, a prayer service was held on April 22, 2012 in support of Orthodoxy, and everyone who could came, they even crawled, is this really such a huge problem? And why?????? And this perplexes me, since I am an opponent of schisms in the Church and I believe that as long as the Church stands, Russia has a chance for the future....

Alexandra answers

I will try to answer your wonderful questions! 1. Those sites that consider Nicholas 2 the Redeemer do not recognize the examination of the royal remains and it is there that the main amount of information is located about “the bloody ritual, the letting of blood, rabbis, severed heads, evil Jewish Masons who are to blame for everything.” a) Everything is very simple: 1) It is necessary to open access to the Royal Relics in the Catherine’s chapel of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and, for at least six months, collect data on cases of healing at the relics (as was the case with the relics of Blessed Matronushka: the flow of admirers is increasing every year and increases). 2). We must ask our Holiness Patriarch Kirill to allow us to take DNA from the relics of the martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna (her right hand is located in the Marfo-Maryinsky Monastery in Moscow). The question of whether the six Ekaterinburg Remains belong to the Royal Family: the Royal Children and the Empress will immediately disappear. b) These monarchists are strange people... Take, for example, the respected Peter Multatuli: he has not visited the Tomb of Nicholas II, where his great-grandfather is buried, even once in 14 years. Imagine that (God forbid!) one of your family members has disappeared. Then they found unidentified remains, took a blood test and said that it was 99.9 percent your relative. What would you do with the remains? Of course, they buried him in their family cemetery, without waiting for the final verdict. P. Multatuli did not even bother to donate his blood for DNA. The royal relics were discovered in 1991. It was immediately determined that relatives were buried there: a husband, wife and their three children - girls whose ages coincided with the ages of the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana and Anastasia. The monarchists immediately started muttering: some unknown family... They took samples of the remains to England, where the great-nephew of Nicholas II, Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, lives. His blood tests matched the DNA of the “fifth bone and neck,” which, according to scientists, belonged to the Tsar. And that would be fine, but the prince’s younger sister decided to remind herself and offered her blood. I have a newspaper from America that contains an article: “A scandal in the Kingdom of England.” It turned out that the princess’s blood did not match the examined bone No. 5. The blood of the prince and his sister was compared: they turned out to be from different fathers. God forgive me for writing about this “secret” of the English Court,” but doesn’t this once again confirm that the relics being examined are genuine? with ecstasy of the heart they blame everything on the Freemasons, the Jews, who for some unknown reason have conceived a “bloody ritual.” This turns out to be where the dog is buried! And there is no need to repent! This means that neither the Church, nor the Tsar’s entourage, nor, most importantly, the people are to blame! But the bloody ritual provides for the unconditional complete destruction of the remains, their dissolution in some usable liquid and drinking it! The small catch is that even (they conducted an experiment) the corpse of a rabbit on Ganina Yama could not be completely destroyed using acid, gasoline, dismemberment, etc. All this was filmed and presented to His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II... It’s still there. This is hardly one hundredth of what can be written in response to your doubts. To be continued. Sorry! Save me, God!

Dear mother! What should a person who is ready to repent, and what should he do in general?

Alexandra answers

Great question! Read the book of the prophet Jonah in the Old Testament.
The Ninevites were a very sinful people, they sinned for many generations and no one could reason with them.
And the Lord decided to destroy the entire people(so that this will serve as a lesson for many future nations, and Russian too).
He called Jonah - an ordinary man.
He ordered him to go to Nineveh and warn the people of this country that in three days it will be destroyed.
It is known that Jonah was very burdened by this task.
He came to Nineveh and warned the inhabitants that in three days the Lord would destroy everyone, along with the elderly and children. No one will be shown mercy, even those few who have not sinned and lived a righteous life. Their entire family must be destroyed.
Jonah wanted to go home quickly, so he walked around the city and shouted: “You are all going to die!”
And the Ninevites imposed the strictest fast on themselves.
For three days and three nights they did not eat or drink anything.
They didn't even give water to babies and livestock.
Jonah, meanwhile, climbed a high mountain so as not to see the suffering of the people.
The heat was terrible, there was no water, Jonah was very tired.
He turned to the Lord: “Lord, why don’t you destroy them! I have fulfilled Your will, I will soon die of thirst and heat. Kill everyone quickly and I will calmly go to my country.”
And suddenly a huge pumpkin grows next to him, which covers Jonah from the sun with its leaves.
“So the Lord has not forgotten me!” Jonah rejoiced.
But suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge worm crawls out and gnaws at the roots of this pumpkin, and immediately its leaves dry up. Jonah becomes humanly offended, he begins to cry out of frustration. T
when the Lord asks: “Jonah, why are you crying?”
But Jonah cannot complain about God - to God...
He says: “Lord, I feel sorry for the pumpkin, that’s why I’m crying.”
“Jonah, did you plant this pumpkin, did you grow it, water it? Why are you crying about its destruction?
But I created and raised each of this people.
Should I punish my children if all the people have repented?"
This is the key! The entire people repented for all their ancestors!!!
This is a lesson to those priests who say that there is no need to repent for sins other than their own.
Look, what a good lesson for us Russians!
This is a lesson and a reproach for us!
By the way, there were many generations of sinners there, the Lord endured for a long time, and finally sent Jonah with a stern warning! God bless you for asking!

The Investigative Committee of Tatarstan began to expose the terrible criminal. A young girl (we’ll leave out her last name to avoid PR) posed for a wedding magazine in a translucent dress in a destroyed church in the Yelabuga region. And come on, her photo, which ended up on the Internet, “outraged the public and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.”

In fact, things didn't turn out quite like that. As it turned out, no one contacted the investigative committee. And its verification was started “based on publications in the media.”

And the “PR” of the photo shoot was “promoted” by an active 24-year-old Internet user, Varvara Astafieva from Yelabuga. She is the daughter of the rector of the Cathedral and the temple in the Yelabuga region. She shared on her VKontakte page, where she has more than 1,200 friends, a link to the scandalous photo shoot and left a comment. They say that there is nothing sacred left in people, they jump half naked in a holy place, where people enter having crossed themselves, they say, if there is no faith, then this does not give the right to insult the faith of others. “It’s sad that our generation has lost its mind and spirituality so much,” the religious girl concluded her opus.

However, “high spirituality” does not prevent Varvara from posting her own far from chaste photos on her VK page, in some places even in a bikini and, horror of horrors, with bare knees. Some of them show her riding a “hellish” car - a cool motorcycle in full biker chick garb. It is difficult to find anything connecting it with the Christian religion here.

Varvara did not earn many “likes” for her revealing article, but how this article came to the attention of the Investigative Committee of Tatarstan and why it served as a reason for a pre-investigation check is a big mystery.

Was this case even worth such close attention, having become almost the main event of the day in the Russian media? Hardly. Let's start with the fact that correspondents from one of the publications visited the temple in the village of Gari and found out that the religious building was indeed in a dilapidated and abandoned state. Mostly Tatars live in Gari, and Christians here can be counted on one hand. Further, the journalists found out that there are only four parishioners here and only once a year they gather in the abandoned church for a service conducted by Father Vladimir. By the way, he noted that a criminal article for “magazine showmen” is too much. Of course, they need to be punished, but not so severely.

As for the possible punishment for the organizers of the photo shoot, they may face a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles or even for “Violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion.”

real term up to three years.

Did the photograph of a beautiful girl in translucent offend the religious feelings of believers?
wedding dress made in an abandoned rural church? Should we consider the words of the secretary of the Kazan diocesan administration, Father Vladimir, prophetic: “Sooner or later the Lord will punish. Such things do not go unpunished. But not for the sake of punishment, but to admonish not only her, but also everyone who does this”?

But this is what this priest thinks: are our high-ranking officials worthy of God’s punishment, who overnight were reborn from atheists into staunch and devoted “parishioners” to the cause of the Christian religion, who learned to cross themselves and bow before the sight of a religious building or the painted face of the Savior, if they actually Are they not going to keep a single commandment of God, secretly hoping that all sins can still be forgiven? Are those clergy and those in power who advocated the construction of churches on the site of children's playgrounds, ignoring the opinions of local residents, worthy of God's punishment?
Is it normal for religious temples to be built, and not clinics, kindergartens, schools, in residential areas? Has anyone asked residents of local houses what it’s like for them to listen to the ringing of bells when they want to sleep after a night shift or after constantly jumping up to the crib of a crying little child? How does it feel for them, not being an admirer of the Christian religion, to look at some sad individuals in gray robes who beat their foreheads in front of a religious building and celebrate their sacraments there, and sometimes walk around this building at night with chants? Or maybe these are what sectarians are in the understanding of dissidents and people of different faiths? We are not exaggerating or acting like a fool. We're just trying to look at our reality from a slightly different angle. And what’s wrong if we are curious to understand why the church, which is separated from the state, statesmen pay so much attention that is lacking, for example, to older people, young families?

The Christian vocation is, first of all, a vocation to life with God. And here it is important for our “religious” officials and even some clergy to understand that a true Christian cannot in any way go against the truth that at the moment he lives in the real world, which he must make better, without interfering with those who adhere to another religion or a different outlook on life. The same example with the sensational photo shoot shows that in reality everything is not as indignant as it seems. Well, the organizers of the filming did something stupid, but they did not act intentionally, without intending to offend the feelings of believers, then they removed these photographs and publicly apologized to everyone who they might have unwittingly offended.

What's the answer? Some of the clergy are ready to anathematize them, frightening them with God’s wrath, some of the believers (without even delving into the situation) are offended to the depths of their souls, perceiving banal stupidity as an encroachment on the sacred, the investigative committee is ready to severely punish the presumptuous “criminals.” But not a word about the fact that those who stumbled and admitted their guilt should be forgiven, patiently and politely explained to them why they were wrong, and not make a mountain out of a molehill and not threaten them with the torments of hell. Or, if you are considered an admirer of the Christian religion, then the slogan lives in your head: whoever is not with us is against us? Or do priests teach their parishioners poorly about Christian principles and morals? Lord, give us reason!

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