Two cards for one account in Sberbank. Duplicate Sberbank card, two cards or more for one account: how it works, advantages, how to open, limits and restrictions. I already have an Alfa-Bank card. What should I do if I want an Alfa-Bank card Cosmopolit

I have a bank account, I withdraw money from an ATM using a Visa plastic card. Very comfortably. But I want to get another card for the same account and give it to my daughter so that she can withdraw the money herself. Is it possible to do this? Anastasia Permyakova, Kirovsky district.

If you already have your own account and card, you can easily create 8 additional ones - for any people. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these are relatives,” said Gleb RUSIN, an employee of the Baikal Bank of Sberbank of Russia. - The main thing is that you can give them the card and explain the rules of use. To get these cards, the account holder must write an application to the bank. Moreover, such a card also sets a spending limit - for a day, a week, a month. This way, you can control that your child’s expenses do not exceed the norm. Let's say 500 or 1000 rubles a week. In this case, many people also connect the “mobile banking” function. Then you will receive messages on your cell phone about where, when and how much money from the card was spent. If something happens, the card can be blocked. It is also important that such cards are issued to their relatives and friends not only from Irkutsk, but from any city and town in Russia and 130 countries of the world where there are ATMs.

How much does it cost to transfer a phone number to a new address? I heard that now, when moving, you can keep your phone number and not have to pay for the connection again. Is this true? Irina Terentyeva, Mr. Novo-Lenino.

The press service of Sibirtelecom told our newspaper that from February 1 the company changed the payment for keeping a number when moving. True, this can only be done within one district of the city (one telephone exchange). Previously, for transferring a number to another address, they charged 20% of the connection price (if the new home was equipped with telephones). With a connection cost of 5,000, subscribers had to shell out 1,000 rubles. Now Irkutsk residents will pay 819 rubles for the same service. The expenses of those who moved into an apartment without a telephone also decreased. Until February 1, they were charged 2,500 rubles (50% of the connection cost). Now 1589 rubles.

How to fight the flu There is an epidemic of colds and flu in Irkutsk. Everyone around is sneezing. But I don’t want to get sick. What remedies are best to take during this epidemic to avoid getting infected? Alina Tatarnikova, Mr. Lisikha.

A special resolution was adopted by the chief state sanitary doctor for the Irkutsk region regarding acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Territorial administration specialists Rospotrebnadzor In the Irkutsk region, we compiled a memo with recommendations for prevention during this period. Irkutsk residents are recommended to take a course of choice: - antiviral drugs: rimantadine, arbidol, oxalic ointment, interferon, influenza, amiksin, cycloferon; - immunocorrective drugs: immunal, anaferon, viferon, amiksin, dibazol; - adaptogens of plant origin: eleutherococcus extract, aralia tincture , ginseng, as well as multivitamins. The instructions for each of the medications describe how to use them prophylactically and how to treat the disease. If you can choose a drug yourself to prevent ARVI, then for treatment you must do so under the guidance of a doctor! At the first symptoms of the disease, you should contact medical care by calling a doctor to your home.

Large banks introduced a service in which not only a plastic payment card of the Visa Classic and Mastercard systems is issued, but also an additional one. The second card has free service or more low level. In any case, it is attached to the owner’s account and is completely dependent on him. Why do you need a card that duplicates the main one and is linked to the same current account? Does it make sense to formalize it? Should I agree to the bank’s proposed service of opening another card?

Often spouses or family members are faced with the situation that there is only one plastic card, but two people need it at the same time. What to do?

The solution is simple - order two cards for one account. Both will be issued to one bank account, the owner of which allows authorized persons access to it by opening an additional card. There is no need to collect a package of documents; you only need to present the passport of the person in whose name the credit card is registered. The duplicate shows his name and the person receives money from ATMs and pays for goods in stores and retail outlets, if necessary, shows a passport for identification.

This is the same plastic card for the same client’s current account as the main one. It does not have to be registered to the owner. An additional card can optionally be opened in the name of a spouse, children, relatives, individuals who are given the right to use the money in the account. If the owner does not provide the right to dispose of them completely, he has the right to set restrictions.

Important. An unlimited number of additional ones can be linked to one account.

How the additional card works

Since all the persons on whom it is registered do not own the current account, they do not control transactions on the main card. They only have access to money, and only in the amount provided. If the owner of the main Sberbank card has opened an additional card for his wife and limited the limit, she can only spend the allocated amount.

The duplicate, of course, belongs to the person whose initials are on the plastic. He is also given a PIN code for carrying out transactions. But the plastic card, anyway, is registered with the person who owns the account. After all, all transactions are tied to his personal account, and it is the owner who is responsible to the bank.

By opening an additional Sberbank debit card, the whole family uses a bank account without dividing the budget and without saving on maintenance. In this case, one of the family members has the main one, and the rest have duplicates.

What do they gain from this design?

  1. The cost of banking services per year will be much lower than when servicing basic cards for all family members.
  2. You can open a duplicate for children by setting a one-day limit on withdrawals.
  3. When you own one current account, the budget between spouses is divided fairly and becomes transparent: based on transactions on all cards, it is clear where the money went.

Important. Sberbank offers clients favorable conditions for issuing additional cards: the cost of issue and maintenance for the first year is 450 rubles, for all subsequent years 300 rubles, and the number of additional cards per main card is not limited.

Steps to open an additional card in Sberbank

How can clients of government organizations obtain an additional card from Sberbank? To do this, it is necessary that the authorized person is 18 years old, and the relative is at least 14 years old, i.e. he must have a passport. It is not required to have Russian citizenship. Children from 10 to 14 years old are allowed to issue an additional card linked to the main one of a close relative - parents or guardian. An outsider opens an additional one in the name of the child, having received the written consent of his parents.

Parents open up an additional one for the child, which provides useful opportunities. Firstly, he pays by card instead of cash. This makes it safer to shop online or in stores. Secondly, transactions can be monitored by receiving SMS messages. Thirdly, the additional card does not have its own account, and parents always find out about their children’s purchases based on the status of their balance. Fourthly, it is not necessary to give your child access to all funds. Limits can be put in place to prevent him from spending more than desired. The limit set for a child is updated monthly. They issue a card for the child at a Sberbank branch, bringing the child’s passport and birth certificate. It takes from three days to two weeks to issue an additional card. Bank employees will notify you of its readiness by phone call or SMS. It is given to parents.

For release to other family members or trusted persons:

  • contact the bank branch where the main card and account are opened;
  • fill out an application with a request to open an additional one for someone from the family or a trusted person;
  • To receive the issued card, come together with the person for whom the duplicate is issued.

What limits and restrictions on payments and cash withdrawals are allowed with an additional Sberbank card?

Important. The owner of the main card sets limits on transactions carried out from a duplicate at his own discretion:

  1. The limit on withdrawals from ATMs from additional cards is limited for a period of 1 month.
  2. The limit on non-cash payments for purchases is set for the same period.
  3. A general limit is set for receiving cash through the terminal and paying for non-cash purchases from the card for the same period.

According to reviews from clients of Sberbank and other banking organizations, issuing additional cards is a convenient and safe tool for managing a family budget, saving on banking services throughout the year, and monitoring transactions from the main balance.

Tankoff debit cards are very popular due to favorable terms of customer service, as well as the possibility of passive earnings on cashback and interest. Clients can independently manage their own available funds with maximum convenience in any city, regardless of the type of ATM. However, despite all the advantages and high speed of the bank, often one Tinkoff Black debit card is not enough for full service.

In this case, users can issue an additional bank card, which can be linked to specific types expenses. Registering two or more debit cards will allow you to optimize your own spending, or provide access to your account to your family members. Additionally, the second card provides the ability to bypass limits on the amount of funds stored.

How many Tinkoff debit cards can you have?

When opening an account, many users do not know whether it is possible to have two Tinkoffs or whether there are restrictions at the bank. After all, most banking institutions internal space They do not have services for linking additional cards, which significantly limits the financial potential of a particular client.

Based on the official information, which is located on the main Tinkoff website, each user has the opportunity to issue an unlimited number of cards and personal accounts. However, the second debit is issued on the condition that the new card will be used as an additional one. In this case, the general activity of using cards should be observed.

Procedure for issuing a second debit card:

  1. Read the terms and conditions on the official website.
  2. Submitting a written application online.
  3. Receiving a second bank card.
  4. Conducted in any convenient way.
Apply for a card now

In general, the procedure for registering a second debit does not differ from general conditions jar. Depending on the client's needs, 1 credit and 2 debit cards may be offered. A 1+3 scheme is also possible, but each user must independently calculate the need for this number of cards. After all, a fee is charged for the service.

Often a second Tinkoff debit card is issued for specific needs. For example: the first is used for own expenses, the second for the purchase of large goods, and the third for accrual wages. The final scheme and use cases are selected by the user himself.

Debit cards are issued mainly as multi-currency cards. However, you can first select the type of currency yourself.

Issue of an additional Tinkoff Black debit card

At Tinkoff Bank, an additional debit card is issued free of charge to any client who already has a credit or any other card. The basic requirements and conditions for the procedure do not change.

You can receive a debit within one day from the date of application. However, despite the wider possibilities of personal banking, the second card will require small financial costs. According to established rules bank, servicing any other card of the same type in quantities greater than 1 costs 99 rubles per month. Also, for additional debits, the cashback from purchases is not 5%, but 1%. In general, other conditions do not change and remain similar. The user receives from 3 to 30% refund depending on the purchase amount. However, 6% APR is not charged for all additional cards.

In general, clients issue auxiliary debits for the following purposes:

  • Expanding payment capabilities.
  • Providing access to a personal account for family members.
  • Separation of cards according to their intended purpose.
  • Increasing the volume of passive income from interest.
  • Increasing the convenience of storing large amounts.
  • Distribution of own funds.
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Having a second one will allow you to use your own funds more rationally. After all, both accounts can be divided according to their intended purpose. For example, the first card will be used for small purchases, and the second for servicing and refueling the car. Depending on the conditions and the available amount in the account, this option is also suitable for larger items. In this case, the client has the opportunity to accrue additional bonuses and annual interest.

All functions (SMS alerts, Internet banking, mobile banking and virtual services) will be available as usual. Two debit cards are linked to one mobile number. If necessary, the user can control 2 debits through a personal account on the official one. There is no need to create different accounts.

Is it worth it or not to get a second card?

A second debit card is issued quite often. Basically, the option of two cards is popular among citizens who have a significant turnover of their own funds. Regular Tinkoff debit is controlled by limits. Depending on the type of card, the user receives a limit of up to 300,000 rubles, which is inconvenient when purchasing expensive goods such as household appliances, electronics, cars or components for them. Accordingly, having two cards automatically increases the availability of your own funds in your accounts by 2 times. Debit cards with the same conditions can already provide 600 thousand rubles.

Typically, using multiple debit cards is considered popular among private entrepreneurs. However, even for ordinary clients with an active banking history, 2 cards can significantly simplify life.

Let's summarize:

  1. The second card can be issued in foreign currency, which is very beneficial when sending funds over a distance. After all, according to the bank’s program, such cards have a minimum interest rate.
  2. The second debit can be used exclusively to pay utility bills without financial intervention in the main account. The final target capabilities are determined personally by the user.
  3. An additional card is a convenient tool for all family members. Thanks to the auxiliary card, it is not necessary to separate family budget on the main debit account. In this case, the client benefits in terms of savings on card servicing. After all, when opening an account, each individual family member will have to pay additional service fees.
  4. Authorized persons can use the card within the established conditions, which are independently regulated by the account owner. For example, if the daily limit is limited to 5,000 rubles, no one will be able to withdraw more than the specified amount without confirmation from the owner.
  5. It is also possible manual adjustment all basic requirements for use through a personal online account.
Apply for a card now

Quite often it happens that there is only one card, but another family member needs it. Large banks are introducing a service in which not only the main card is issued, but also an additional one. Maintenance of the second plastic is free. Both bank cards are linked to one account, and the owner gives access to the second one to a trusted person.

The bank does not require a package of documents, and the client for whom the duplicate is registered must present only a passport. His name is indicated on the carrier, he has the right to withdraw money from an ATM and pay for goods. In the article we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a service, as well as the offers of large banks in the country.

A duplicate card is a clone of the main one, but with its own number and PIN code. When purchasing goods from additional plastic, money is debited from the main account. You can open it in the name of your spouse, children and other relatives. Several additional clients can be linked to the main card. The owner has the right to set restrictions.

Persons allowed to use the main plastic are not the owners of the main account, cannot monitor transactions on the main medium, they have access to money, but only to the extent that the owner provided them, and he is responsible to the bank for his account actions.

Formally, the duplicate is registered in the name of a relative or friend of the account owner, the initials of the authorized person will be indicated on it, and a PIN code will be issued for use. But the card will be registered with the account owner, and all transactions will be linked to its carrier.

Master account and its main characteristics

The opportunity to open a master account is provided to the client when signing a service agreement. The user can manage three currencies in his account. Without such a VTB account, you cannot use the bank’s range of services, apply for compulsory medical insurance or conduct currency transactions.

When registering a master account, you can receive a full range of services from the largest banks in the country. You only need to connect to the system or perform certain operations from your mobile phone.

This opportunity is usually offered in cases where the client:

  • Receives new plastic with your initials at the bank branch;
  • Concludes a loan agreement;
  • Makes a deposit.

A master account makes it possible to remotely manage processes: make online transfers, convert funds into currency.

You can open such an account at any VTB office by concluding a comprehensive service agreement. According to the agreement, the client has the right:

You can open such an account at any VTB office by concluding a comprehensive service agreement.

According to the agreement, the client has the right:

  1. Use plastic abroad;
  2. Service at any ATM;
  3. Register in the VTB banking system;
  4. Receive SMS alerts about transactions;
  5. Conduct transactions at any time.

Master account is a complex product that includes ruble and foreign currency accounts. They are equal, but rubles are usually used more and more often.


Features of additional cards and release rules

Decor additional card refers to bonuses.


  • On the back, write the initials of relatives or friends;
  • Establish certain rules of use;
  • Add the necessary limits.

The number of additional media is not limited. The number of additional cards can be up to five. The issuer assumes responsibility for the account. Its management is entrusted only to the owner of the main media. The monthly limit is justified if the card is issued for a child.

Duplicates are issued for debit cards, as well as for Social and Instant Issue, but not for Russian World. The rules will not allow you to get a second credit card and spend borrowed money. Teen clients must have their own passport.

An outsider can open a duplicate for a child only after presenting the consent of his parents.

Services in different banks

The commission for cash withdrawals and transfers to another medium is low. To conclude an agreement with VTB, you need to write an application and submit it to the office, also presenting your passport. Sometimes VTB complex service connects automatically when issuing bank card, consumer loan and in other cases.

A VTB client has the right to open additional free cards with an individual number without a separate account. The quantity depends on the service package provided. The binding is carried out to the main carrier. The bank allows you to open a duplicate for relatives, friends and acquaintances. An application for a duplicate is processed within about five working days.

VTB service packages include:

  • Classic: issuing standard media;
  • Gold: bonuses, additional points, the user does not pay for the service;
  • Platinum: all the benefits of other packages;
  • VIP card: you can renew the limit and use the Traveler Protection program.

They produce and service plastic at Sberbank for 450 rubles a year.

Acceptable limits:

  • Available for a month, then they need to be reinstalled;
  • There are restrictions on non-cash transactions;
  • Total cash withdrawal limit.


  • Opening and maintaining an account is free;
  • There is no commission;
  • Plastic card you can pay for purchases everywhere;
  • Connect a tariff with basic services;
  • Access to online banking is provided.

Currency is useful mainly when traveling. You can top up your foreign currency account at the branch financial institution.

Registration of a duplicate is a safe tool for optimizing and controlling the family budget.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are certain pros and cons to releasing and managing duplicates.


  1. Reduced cost of maintenance;
  2. You can give a duplicate to children by setting a limit on spending and actions;
  3. If spouses own one checking account, the budget is divided transparently and fairly: by tracking transactions, you can see what the money is spent on;
  4. All child expenses can be tracked via SMS;
  5. The established restrictions are updated every month;
  6. The child is provided with money for travel and shopping, without banknotes;
  7. You can pay safely online;
  8. The owner can control expenses and set the necessary limits;
  9. It is possible to reduce the cost of annual maintenance.


  • The product is registered to one account, it will not be possible to transfer money for replenishment;
  • Duplicates are issued only in the office;
  • You cannot open a second personal account;
  • Payments for purchases are made from the duplicate, cash is withdrawn, interbank and non-cash transfers are not made.

Duplicates are issued only for debit cards, not for credit cards.

The largest financial institutions, when issuing debit plastic cards, offer to additionally provide a medium with lower interest rates and favorable conditions. Let's consider the offers of some Russian banks.

Features of registration of plastic for a child and spouse

One of the parents takes the initiative to issue a duplicate for the child. The bank requires you to provide the parent's passport and the child's birth certificate. The media will always be useful for school, traveling abroad, paying for goods, and parents will always be able to track expenses, as well as set limits if the child unexpectedly decides to spend a considerable amount. You can set a limit on cash withdrawals from an ATM.

When a card is issued to a child by a stranger or a grandparent, parental consent is required.

A working spouse has the right to allocate funds to a non-working spouse and issue a duplicate for her, setting a limit. Typically, you can withdraw a fixed amount from ATMs per day. The spouse will also be able to top up the account.

You have to pay for service and tariffs. It is much easier to open a duplicate for a spouse or even a child, tied to one account. This feature allows you to carefully track all expenses and set a monthly limit on the use of a duplicate. The punishment for unreasonable spending will be the installation of another and much stricter limit.

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