Contactless payment technology for purchases visa paywave. Visa cards with Paywave chip: contactless payment technology for purchases. Where to get contactless plastic cards in Russia

Every person is a card holder of one bank or another. The absolute leader in issuing such means of payment is Sberbank. The owners of its products are all state and municipal employees, military personnel, law enforcement officers, and so on.

One of the new products offered by Sberbank is bank cards with contactless payment. It is necessary to understand the features of such means of payment, the possibilities of their protection and the risks that their use creates.

What is a contactless card from Sberbank?

Disadvantages of Sberbank contactless cards

In general, it is not correct to talk about disadvantages. After all, such products can be used like regular cards. That is, you don’t have to use contactless payment.

The cardholder can always use the classic payment method. He can insert the card into the terminal and enter the PIN code. The possibility of contactless payment is an additional function that was created for the convenience of the owner of the plastic card.

How to disable contactless payment

The question of how to disable contactless payment from a Sberbank card may become relevant.

It is important to know that it is currently impossible to disable this option.

It was originally embedded in the map itself. Payment terminals are also designed for it. Therefore, you can simply not use this opportunity.

After all, this is an additional option, not the only way payment by card.

That is, a Sberbank card with contactless technology can also be used as a regular contact card.

Therefore, the question of how to protect a contactless card involves standard methods of protecting information:

  • It is unacceptable to share your PIN code or give your card to strangers;
  • It is not recommended to give other people the opportunity to remember or write down the card number and information about the owner. Such information may lead to the theft of funds from the payment instrument account.

A contactless bank card is no longer a new payment instrument in the financial services market. However, many people still do not know how to use it and what its advantages and disadvantages are.

Technological progress does not stand still. The current level of technology makes it possible to equip a bank card with a special chip, which makes it possible to pay for purchases by simply touching the POS terminal screen with the card.

In fact, this is the only significant difference between a standard and contactless payment card. The first one must be inserted into the POS terminal, enter a PIN code and wait until the cashier carries out the operation; the second one is easier and faster to pay.

Types of contactless cards

The most popular contactless cards are:

  1. MasterCard PayPass;
  2. Visa payWave.

It's quite easy to recognize them. Contactless cards of both the first and second payment systems have an image of a wave on the front side. In addition, the cards contain the appropriate logos, which confirm that they belong to the contactless family: MasterCard contains the inscription “PayPass”, and Visa - “payWave”.

It’s interesting that contactless payment by card is most often popularly called PayPass; it has already become a common noun.

How to pay with a contactless card

This is a convenient tool for non-cash payments. With its help, paying for purchases is very easy and simple. Actually, the entire payment process looks like this:
  • the client informs the cashier of his desire to pay for purchases with a MasterCard PayPass or Visa payWave card;
  • after preparing the POS terminal for payments and checking the purchase amount, you must bring the card to the screen of the payment device at a distance of up to 4 cm;
  • depending on the purchase amount, the cardholder may need to enter a PIN code (if the transaction amount exceeds 1000 rubles);
  • the completion of the transaction will be indicated by a corresponding light and sound signal.

Everything has been paid for the goods. The buyer does not need to sign the sales receipt.

Advantages and disadvantages

Customers will like it due to its following properties:
  • Convenient - you don’t need to take the card out of your wallet. You just need to touch it to the device screen.
  • The absence of additional gestures, both on the part of the card user and the cashier, significantly speeds up the process of paying for purchases.
  • The card is in the buyer’s hands at all times, so it is more difficult for attackers to see and write down its details. In other words, it has a higher level of security.

Regarding the shortcomings, there are few of them:

  • not all retail chains and entertainment establishments are equipped with appropriate reading devices;
  • many cashiers are afraid to make payments using contactless system, but they write off “the old fashioned way” by inserting the card into the terminal;
  • obligation to enter a PIN code when making payments in excess of 1,000 rubles. It is not possible to remove this restriction; some banks only allow you to lower the contactless payment limit, but not increase it.

Obviously, all the disadvantages are temporary and depend on the popularization of the payment instrument among the population and the level of training of retail chain personnel. In addition, you can pay with a contactless card in the old familiar way.

The current restriction on the purchase amount (up to 1000 rubles in Russia or up to 25 euros in Europe) practically reduces the advantages of a contactless payment card to nothing. But, if you look at it, it is precisely intended for express purchases, and they rarely exceed the above amount.

Is it safe to pay with a contactless card?

The process of writing off money, which is incomprehensible to many people, worries potential users of contactless cards. After all, in this way in a store you can write off money from your account several times in a row. Or hackers with a powerful reader can remove all funds remotely without the card user noticing. But this is far from the case, and here's why:

  1. During the transaction, a unique code is generated, which encrypts information about the current purchase. This is what is used to confirm the payment. By intercepting this code, hackers will achieve nothing, since it was only used to carry out this operation. You will not be able to confirm other calculations using this code;
  2. the most reliable algorithms and keys are used to create the code, making it almost impossible to decrypt;
  3. reducing the number of card transfers into the hands of strangers reduces the likelihood of criminals recording its details;
  4. limiting the amount of payments (1000 rubles) with a contactless card, on the one hand, is inconvenient for the buyer, and on the other hand, does not allow attackers to spend all his savings without knowing the PIN code;
  5. The terminal, having counted one transaction, immediately turns off, which eliminates the possibility of repeated debiting of funds.

Shielded Card Wallet

By the way, people’s fear that information from their payment card could be read and then used to withdraw money could not but go unnoticed by enterprising people. They immediately realized that they could make money from this fear.

This is how wallets with shielded compartments or metal cases/boxes for payment cards appeared on the market. Such accessories do not allow antenna signals to pass through and protect plastic cards from reading information at a distance.

The cost of a shielded wallet on Aliexpress starts from 200 rubles. It all depends on the design and material. However, this is more of a means of moral reassurance. Attackers are more interested in gaining access to card details such as card number, expiration date and CVV code, which allows them to withdraw all the money at once. Rather than take risks and withdraw 1000 rubles.

Yes, and in order to withdraw this money, they need to get very close to their victim with a reader and find the location of the wallet, which, of course, will not go unnoticed. It is much easier for a pickpocket to take out your wallet and immediately receive a payment card.

Where to get it

Cards with contactless technology are offered by the following banks: Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, Tinkoff, Vozrozhdenie, Moscow Industrial Bank. The leader among Russian banks Sberbank also offers individuals issue such cards. :

  • Classic MasterCard cards PayPass and Visa payWave;
  • Aeroflot Visa family;
  • Premium cards Visa Platinum Premier and World MasterCard Black Edition Premier.

As a result, I would like to note that contactless cards significantly speed up the process of paying for goods and services.

This is especially true when you are in a hurry, and there is no time to take out the payment card from your wallet and enter the PIN code. A striking example: shopping during your lunch break. In this case, every second counts so as not to be late for work and get everything done.

As for all other functions, a contactless bank card is no different from classic payment cards.

Alexander Babin

Introducing modern technologies, the leading bank of Russia launched a line bank cards glasses with contactless payment technology for goods and services. This is a progressive step in the banking system, allowing Russians to use modern payment methods and protect their funds from theft and online fraudsters.

Conditions for issuing and servicing cards of this type

The Classic contactless visa from Sberbank is an international type of visa and provides its owner with a wide range of opportunities. These are non-cash transactions, money transfers, round-the-clock remote control. But its most important difference from the traditional Visa Classik card is the ability to pay for goods and services without entering a PIN code. When paying through a terminal, the plastic does not go through the reader, but remains in the hands of the owner. Thanks to the built-in electronic chip, money is debited from the account in a matter of seconds, which guarantees not only the convenience of payments, but also a high level of security. The product can be used in all areas where any non-cash payment is possible, and where special POS terminals are installed with the ability to read a radio signal from an electronic chip. This type of card can become not only a convenient payment instrument, but also serve as a travel ticket.

This type of plastic has a package of privileges for its owners

Card Features

What kind of contactless Visa Classic card is from Sberbank, and what features does it have? The main parameters of the card are as follows:

  • validity period - 3 years;
  • PayWay touchless payment option;
  • it is allowed to open an account in rubles, dollars and euros;
  • there is no need to enter a PIN code when paying for goods with a check amount of up to 1 thousand rubles;
  • debit card is issued only in salary projects;
  • production of additional plastics is allowed;
  • technical features– built-in chip with radio antenna (PFID tag), magnetic tape, 3D protection – secure;
  • the presence of a transport application, the account of which is divided with the main card account;
  • the possibility of cashless payment for purchases abroad;
  • connection to online services and Mobile Banking;
  • equal conditions for cash withdrawals in subsidiaries abroad;
  • connection to the “Thank you” bonus program;
  • daily limit – 150 thousand rubles, monthly – 1.5 million rubles.

Tariffs and registration

Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has permanent or temporary registration can apply for plastic. Age restrictions: for the main card - no younger than 14 years, for an additional card - no younger than 7 years. Registration of plastic takes place at a bank branch if you have a passport and without income restrictions. Annual maintenance is 750 rubles. in the first year and further 450 rubles. annually.

If the bank’s product has pleasant bonuses and additional features, then the client will have to spend money on annual maintenance such plastic

Cost of servicing a Visa Classik card

The cost of annual servicing of a contactless Visa Classik card from Sberbank is 750 rubles, additional - 450 rubles. In the next 2 years, the cost is: for basic plastic - 450 rubles, for additional ones - 300 rubles.

There is no payment for using Mobile Banking for the first 2 months; in subsequent months it is 60 rubles. monthly.

When re-releasing a product, the service is free. An exception is the loss of plastic due to the fault of the owner, changes in the PIN code and personal data - it will cost 150 rubles. Topping up the card occurs without charging a commission. Withdrawal of funds - no commission at an ATM of your own bank (if the daily limit is exceeded 0.5% of the excess amount) and 1% of a third-party banking institution.

Depending on the type, some bank cards require payment for servicing

One-time payments also include a request to the bank regarding the account status - 15 rubles. through an ATM of someone else's institution and 60 rubles. for SMS notifications. There are penalties for using an unforeseen overdraft in the amount of 40% per annum.

How to top up a transport card application

Owners of this card can connect the Troika transport application, which allows them to write travel tickets for all types of urban and suburban transport onto it. This service is especially beneficial for residents of large cities with subways.

Troika with great transport capabilities includes a connection to the touchless payment service

You can top up your transport card balance in several ways. The most traditional of them:

  • through a payment terminal or ATM;
  • in the department;
  • in MTS mobile communication stores.

But a more comfortable option is online replenishment. This procedure can be carried out through an electronic wallet (Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex. Money). Most users prefer online service jar. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. log in to the service;
  2. select the “Payment for services” tab in the menu;
  3. then - “Goods and services”;
  4. in the subsection, click on “Troyka Transport Card”;
  5. enter the plastic data and the required amount;
  6. confirm the transaction with the received SMS code.

Additional features

Sberbank, offering a contactless Visa Classik card, has provided for clients additional features. First of all, a system of discounts from the Visa payment system itself has been developed. Plastic holders are provided with 24-hour service through the bank contact center. We also provide assistance in issuing cash if plastic is lost while staying outside of Russia. The card can be linked to electronic wallets.

Visa products have the opportunity to participate in the bank's bonus program Thank you

In addition, cardholders can use the Troika transport application and the Thank You bonus program.

Privileges of the classic Serbank Visa card

The benefits in the form of discounts and bonuses on these cards are provided directly by the payment system. Such promotions usually last 3-12 months and are updated regularly. Most up-to-date information You should look for such benefits on official websites, in this case Visa.

Below are the terms and conditions of current offers.

Travelers can save up to 8% when booking accommodation on a well-known resource
The benefit of such purchases can range from 10% to 25%


Russians now have a great opportunity to join more modern options payments. The contactless payment system has long taken a leading position abroad, and now Russian citizens can take advantage of its benefits.

. . Date of: September 21, 2014. Reading time 4 min.

All you need to do is present your card and make a payment without entering a PIN code. What else, besides the simplicity and convenience of payments, is so attractive about this technology that it is used not only by banks, but even by Apple, which is built into the iPhone? New products from Visa and MasterCard - contactless plastic cards designed to facilitate communication between customers and payment terminals.

Distinctive features

Today it is possible to pay with one touch using bank cards issued using PayWave (Visa) or PayPass (MasterCard) technologies. How does it work and what benefits does this payment technology bring to the owner of a bank account?

A transmitter is built into the card, and a signal receiver is built into a special terminal, so there is no need for direct contact between the bank card and the payment device. Such a contactless card must still contact the payment POS terminal, but only once. Moreover, it does not need to be handed over to a cashier or seller; there is no need to insert it into the terminal or enter a PIN code for transactions involving small amounts. It is enough to bring it closer to the device and wait for the sound signal about the operation.

Advantages of contactless cards:

  • High speed of calculations due to fast data transfer, which takes a fraction of a second;
  • Ease of use for payments up to 1,000 rubles - no unnecessary movements or actions, which is especially important at the checkout with purchases in hand;
  • The card itself has a long service life, since there is no physical contact between it and the reader - you don’t have to pick up the card at all or take it out of a special compartment in your wallet;
  • There is no risk of information loss due to exposure to external fields and demagnetization - data can be stored on the card for up to 10 years;
  • Increased security of transactions and the impossibility of falsifying the storage medium - the card does not fall into the hands of strangers with each payment.

Each bank has its own conditions for providing contactless cards, so other benefits may apply to specific species plastic. Let's see what options for such cards Russian banks offer us.

Different cards - different rules

Just a year ago, not many banks offered their clients the opportunity to receive cards using PayWave or PayPass technologies, but now there is plenty to choose from. Let's compare the conditions of just three contactless cards from the whole variety of these innovative and still unusual products for the domestic market.

1. Metro Bank Avangard credit card.

A classic version of a credit card, but with a travel card function - pay for travel in the Moscow metro with this contactless card. A small limit, but it is possible to avoid service fees if you actively use it. Differentiated interest scale - from 15% for the first 3 months of using the loan to 24% per annum if the card debt is not repaid for more than six months and the borrower makes only the minimum payments.

2. Alfa-Bank contactless card.

What sets this credit card apart from its competitors is the presence of a grace period when withdrawing cash. But the interest rate outside the grace period may not please you, and the size of the service fee is more substantial than that of competitors for similar offers.

3. Raiffeisenbank “Purchase Plus” card.

A large credit limit, which can be accessed upon presentation of additional documents to confirm solvency. The ability to use a credit card for free with a sufficient level of card turnover. However, somewhat inflated rates and their wide range, as well as the extension of the grace period only to non-cash purchases, somewhat spoil the picture.

Theft of money from cards has always been a common type of fraud. But with the advent of contactless payment cards, it has become even easier for criminals to steal other people's funds. If you are the owner of contactless Visa PayWave or MasterCard PayPass cards, then you are at risk when your money can be withdrawn from your account very quickly and unnoticed.

Contactless cards: convenience of payments and increased risks

Banks offered their clients new cards equipped with contactless payment technology - Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass. The purpose of their issuance is to facilitate payments and reduce the time spent on financial transactions. These cards are different in that there is no need to swipe them through the terminal. You just need to bring them to the reader and the money will be written off. There is no need to even take the card out of your wallet. When paying for goods or services worth up to 1000 rubles, you do not need to enter a PIN code. You just need to present the card to the reader. Paying with them has become fast and convenient.

But it is precisely the fact that money can be debited from a card remotely using a special device and without the need to enter a PIN code or sign, which has made them easy prey for scammers. The Zecurion company estimates that in the first quarter of 2016 alone, about 1 million rubles were stolen from such cards.

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How does theft happen?

To withdraw money from a contactless payment card, a fraudster just needs to purchase or make his own special reading device and bring it closer to the victim at a distance of up to 20 cm. Even at this distance, the device reads the data from the card.

Contactless cards are equipped with special RFID chips, and devices that allow you to obtain information from them are called RFID readers. The fraudster just needs to bring it as close to the card as possible. So that the victim does not notice anything, thefts usually occur in crowded places - public transport, market, crowd of spectators at a concert, etc. The criminal only brings the device to the person's pockets or bag without him noticing. There is no need to even bring it too close - 10-20 cm is enough. A few seconds, and all the data is in his hands.

The criminal either uses them to make payments through online stores that do not require entering a password or CVV code. However, there is a restriction for contactless card holders - the transaction amount should not exceed 1000 rubles, only in this case there is no need to enter security data. But there are no restrictions on the number of transactions, so the fraudster can carry out several of them until he has used all the available funds on the victim’s card.

Also, some criminals produce “white cards” on which a magnetic strip is applied with the victim’s card data. Then they withdraw money from an ATM.

Some statistics

According to statements by the information security company Zecurion, more than 2 million rubles were stolen from contactless cards of Russian citizens in 2015. As the number of users of such cards increases, money thefts will correspondingly increase. Zecurion experts predict that at least 2.5 million rubles will be stolen in 2016; by 2017, this figure could reach 5 million rubles.

How to protect yourself

It is almost impossible for the owner of a contactless payment card to protect himself from a fraudster, since in the crowd in which the criminal operates, it is very difficult to notice him, especially considering the fact that he uses the reader secretly. Therefore, you can find out about the theft of money only after it has been written off from the card. But there are ways that help reduce the risk of theft of funds:

  1. The maximum amount that can be debited from the card without having to enter a PIN code is 1000 rubles. However, it is possible to write an application to the bank to reduce it. This will allow you to lose a smaller amount of money in case a thief manages to steal your card data.
  2. It is recommended to enable SMS notification of any transactions made from the card. This will allow you to detect theft in time and block the card. Despite the fact that there is a limit of 1,000 rubles for conducting transactions with a contactless card, the fraudster can make several payments. By activating SMS notification, you will be able to find out about the theft of funds after the first transaction and prevent all the money from being written off from the card.
  3. Be careful and attentive in transport.

There are also wallets and cases on the market that claim to protect your card from being swiped, but no studies have been conducted on whether they can actually prevent theft or not. Therefore, there is no need to rush to buy them.

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